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A breath of fresh air - a training company that seems to be genuinely serious about its clients, quality and their staff

FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Geschäftsführung bei Target Training GmbH in Offenbach am Main gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Everyone sems very committed to delivering quality training. There's a lot of freedom - and a lot of responsibility comes with it. This suits me just fine. The company is also pretty dynamic - it's small enough that things can change quickly and stuff gets done.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The company is very spread out which can lead to "islands" sometimes.


The culture inthe company is very relaxed and informal - but expectations are high. A bit clannish sometimes. Definetly a job for people who like to work and make a difference.


Regular podcasts, newsletters and a forum. The managers seems to share the good and the bad news.


Expect to have more to do with your clients than your colleagues. Saying that they invest a surprising amount in social events and opportunities to meet other trainers. The annual BBQ is always great with really nice food and cocktails (prepared, cooked and served by the managers)


For a training company the hours are surprisingly regular. Expect full days but you start in the morning and go home in the evening. No doughnut days, evening work or weekends thank god.


Very much a "family-style " company with all the positives and negatives this brings. All the management are still involved in training which helps to keep things real.

Interessante Aufgaben

A lot of freedom is given to understand and meet the client's needs. This means that I can make my job interesting myself and directly influence what I choose to do.


There's an environmental policy and some contributions to charity.


No complaints here. A full-time permanent contract with holidays, pension etc is really appreciated. Pretty rare in this business.


Almost everyone seems pretty proud and happy to work here.


A lot of quality training opportunities are provided (weekend seminars are voluntary) plus they offer financial support if I find something relevant.


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