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Great product, the will to make it a great workplace but a big lack in structure

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Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2022 für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Very international team, nice office spaces, ability to do work travels, dogs at the office allowed, Berlin team has a lot of groups you can participate in

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Cutting the hires in People teams drastically. The service is just bad. Everything is defined by Vilnius HQ, this takes the autonomy away and just creates frustration by the people who “just” execute


Focus on the benefits who actually are important and are legally required. Stop changing things all the time and give the people time to breathe.


The Berlin team is great and has a strong vibe. Although the whole company is very Vilnius centered and therefore not quite diverse. It s a lot of talking and a bit generic how to build a great workplace. They are trying to create a startup feeling but are just too big for it to happen. It can feel forced


Unstructured and you never really know who your point of contact is. I found it quite surprising that literally everything is communicated via Slack. It is difficult to find the chats or groups you are looking for especially for important topics.
It seemed that the higher management doesn’t communicate well with each other and certainly not down to the teams who are impacted. Honestly I have never worked in a more chaotic company before


I m disappointed from my team, especially as it is a People team. I have the feeling that my burn out leave was taken personally and giving negative feedback as well. When I left I didn’t even get a proper “Goodbye”. No one reached out and this made me feel quite shit.
There is a lot talking about values but I find them acted very superficial and only if it fits in


I was clear with my boundaries from the beginning


A lead should be able to take feedback without giving the feedback giver a bad feeling. It creates an athmosphere of fear giving feedback in the future. In my first month I took on tasks my direct lead should do because it was too chaotic to work in this team. And why are there sooo many leads?

Interessante Aufgaben

The job I applied for turned into a completely different direction and all I could do was take it or leave it.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are none.


You get everything you need and the office is really nice


It s good but you don’t have any say in your salary negotiations


Better than what it is. Probably a good place to start a career

