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A company that thinks they have a hold of what they are but fails to realize how the real world functions.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The people, there are some awesome pleople there that will make you life better by just being around them, some of the best colleagues I had are still there.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The complete lack of self awareness, thinking that the way they do stuff is undeniably correct without a second guess, this leads to a culture of distrust for your opinion as a worker, your superior will say / think they are better than you, which will decrease morale and quality in any of the teams since it creates a careless attitude towards quality, quality which is highly ignored in favour of meeting unrealistic deadlines that are treated like life or death situations but fail to realize you are listing coupons.


Take a good look at the execs and managers to see if the person has the soft skills to solve problems without having a tantrum or losing their temper, if not then they are not fit to be head of or lead anything even if they have a long time in the company.


The start-up concept but badly implemented, with gray, squared, cookie cutter open offices that take away worker's focus to allow management to supervise the workforce, this is done due to the distrusst of management for their personel.


The executive team has a problems with communications, many of the management and C roles were given by pure time working in the company regardless if the person had and soft or leadership skills that allowed them to handle a team.


The people there are amazing, problably the best thing about the company, everyone has a cool open minded mindset, the problem arises when the conversations concern the career of an individual, that's where management fails to impress and regress back to the old bossy manager.


The work schedule is somewhat flexible and while it has a lot of time management, usually your vacation and time off requests are handled positively and with haste.


Most of the superiors there are not suited for the position, they are only there because of the time they've worked in the company instead of being selected for being experts at both their field and being a leader, thus, mediocre project managers that can't handle input from the team or from external sources.

Interessante Aufgaben

The tasks become repetitive quickly, this is exaggerated when your supervisor will take issues into their own hands to limit your input.


I have no comments here since I was treated nice but I felt women are underrepresented in all departments but this is the nature of tech companies.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

All the people there respect you as a person, they might have some old ways of thinking but overall they let you live your live as long as you let them live theirs.


Equipment is old and barely functional which management sees as a pure luxury instead of an investment in a worker's tool.


The company tries to be inclusive and environment friendly, this is easy due to the class of business, a webpage is easy to make carbon neutral.


Starting salaries are low with no compensations or bonuses for most of the roles, raises are even harder to come by and they don't even match yearly inflation.


The company thinks they have an excelent image but at the end they are a coupon page.


The company supports the worker to take on courses, classes and seminars to further their career but with a limited budget and scope.
