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A crumbling charade! Toxic! Stay far away.

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei Bitpanda Gmbh gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Free food, coffee, office and generals "perks." Those come with a price, though.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Micromanagement, backstabbing,


Two audiences this go out to. Management and HR.

To HR: This company is so proud to be Austrian/European while forgoing any normal HR business practices that comes with that. HR is condescending, and speaks of the company like it's a cult. They want you to beleive the "mission" and be hyped and ready to "own your career" while not actually letting you rise in career. No salary bands, no clear path for careers...the yearly meetings about salary increases get pushed back or when they happen, feel angry and tense. People get laid off or fired and have to beg for information or guidance.

And to management: Start listening to your people and stop the toxic nonsense. Whilst everyone understands the whole startup cultures, this is an example of the blind leading the blind. Young kids and unexperienced people leading departments and projects with 0 experience in that field, only to then laying off the experts for no reasons. Management needs to start being held accountable when things fail, and not the people who deliver, while gaslighting employees, disrespecting them, making them work weekends/nights over such minute tasks....list goes on and on.


Used to be amazing due to great team and colleagues, but after two rounds of layoffs...even colleagues who you were close with start getting tense due to responsibilites and issues dumped on everyone. Turned good teams rotten


Absolutely non-existent. Instransparent. Townhalls you see people start yelling or annoyed at questions/uncertainty. You get gaslit when asking about your career or told vague quotes about impact...but you never communicated WHAT that impact is and how to drive it. Feels like being inside madhouse.


Used to be amazing and the only reason many stuck around. Now it's too late, since we all left.


Big laugh here. Bitpanda prides itself in being flexible employer....important to note that flexible is all about the flexibility they need from you. Sure, it'll be fine to go pick up your kids from school...but if you are on holiday it is absolutely normal that people will call you, tag you in things and send you messages. I have been told "we'll need you this weekend" and had to work every day of the weekend for initiatives that were so insignificant. Holiday, evenings, life....not respected in general. If you leave the office a bit earlier, people stare. Flexible for Bitpanda. Never you.


They treat you like a number and will do anything to manipulate you. Some are not even that much older than the employees themselves.

Interessante Aufgaben

Once upon a time. I had an interesting job, but was often pushed into menial tasks just for the sake of someone pushing it on me to be important. This the reason I go. I know from other departments that hardworking professionals were forced to do HR work like plan christmas parties, host bigger parties and order cakes for management events!! Adults treated like unpaid interns often.


Just the basics.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are none....the place is run by moody teenagers and they fired the "older" people with experience.




They seperate trash


Salary is a joke for the mental gymnastics one has to go through and "flexibility" you have to have. If you have been at company longer, you will stay at the same salary forever...even if you changed resposnibilities and job roles....they don't care and will make you wait until you raisin up before changing.


Was great at one point, after all the layoff chaos...the entire Austria knows about Bitpanda and knows how bad it is here. It became shameful to say you worked there.


"Own your impact" what does this mean? Nobody manages to get this slogan to life because it is empty gibberish. Because of this, you will be denied any change/career path because of lacking impact

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