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Sounds googd first - reality is different

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei ecosio GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

hard to tell. probably the team members.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- missing benefits
- high workload
- overboarding micromanagement
- missing carrier development with fisible goals


don't know where to start. I hope you read the review carefully and act accordingly.


the atmosphere is filled with too much work on a high pressure level on the shoulders of too less employees. ecosio seemingly wants to play in the field of the big service providers and sees itself as the tech leader. But thats not the case.

There is also a common culture for micromanagement and criticism for trivial points, that absolutely destroys working moral and kills joy.


there are some monthly townhall or all-in meetings called Jour-Fix, where stategies and goals are being shared, but you can not shake off the feeling, that not everything is being said.
Besides that, the company heavily relies on communicating over Slack, which sounds good at first, but slack channels are overused with a lot of unneccessary info and theimportant stuff can be missed very easily


depending on the team. But to my experience it was ok'ish to good.
There are quite a lot of Team members, interested in working together


hard topic. so far it was quite good. felxibel time, remote work and the possibility to used overtime compensation was there. But that has been shut off lately. Now support shifts, too many meetings and the very demnding workload basically makes it impossible to really balance things. Especially if you have kids.


a lot of micromanagement and a disinterest to makes things easier at many points.
Teamleads are seemigly under a high pressure tohold their team members in the line. It is more likely to get micromanaged for trivial things than getting an honest recognition for good work

Interessante Aufgaben

depending on your role and preference. EDI is still EDI it is a try topic to be honest, but can be very interesting if you find the right environment. At ecosio, unfortunately not so much, alltough management claims it to be otherwise


can't really say anything about that. Never seen anyone getting mistreated due to gender orientation or religion. But that doesn't mean that it is not happening. It has just not happened to my knoweldge. Allthough there is no word of equality in the companies policies

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

there are no senior collegues. the team is very young


Hardware is up to date. Software and tooling is heavily worked on. Alltough the wheel is reinvented instead of using already existing tools sometimes


not a thing at all


mediocre salary no real benefits.
company events and parties are seen as benefits. Nothing more to say about that


marketing is doing a great job. From the outside everything looks shiny and nice. from the inside it is so and so.
Alltough ecosio is a former start up it often feels like a company with a culture from the 80s


there is no real learning culture. Good luck asking for a certification, a seminar or a training course from the outside. It is not gonna happen, eventhough it might have been promised during the hiring process
Internal trainings cover thebasics and necessities to due your job. a real personal growth and carrier development seems to be impossible.
For me it feels like a dead end job

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Dear Employee,

We are sorry to hear that your experience has been negative. We appreciate you bringing these issues to our attention and want to address them promptly.

To that end, we will organise an anonymous poll in the near future, giving you and your colleagues an opportunity to voice your concerns and provide us with more information. This will allow us to better understand the issues and take the necessary actions to improve the situation.

Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work to address these concerns.

Best regards,
The ecosio team
