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MeisterLabs Software GmbH Logo


A great and growing place to work

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei MeisterLabs Software GmbH gearbeitet.


The working atmosphere of Meister is really nice. The Vienna offices are gorgeous and comfortable with coffee, snacks, and other incentives. I also very much like that we are flexible with working from home.


The communication at Meister is often good. We have weekly written updates from each department, monthly all-hands meetings where employees are encouraged to ask questions, give feedback and engage with other employees, and annual 360 performance reviews. We are constantly communicating and striving to improve.


The HR team at Meister does a nice job of vetting potential candidates for culture fit and cohesion among other staff. Because of this, we have a great blend of people who bring value to the team and also are team players. The existing staff is mostly open and transparent with work and collaborating together.


The work/life balance at Meister is a huge benefit for me. It’s one of my favorite things about the company. Everyone from the Founders to the Junior Employees are encouraged to take leave, stay at 38.5 hours a week, and take time when needed to take care of oneself. This makes for a really positive experience where the “hustle and grind” of tech isn’t so present.


The leadership team and managers at Meister are constantly improving. With a relatively flat hierarchy, we are still working and collaborating with each other often at all levels of the company and “Managers” don’t just manage, they do.

Interessante Aufgaben

The projects and tasks at Meister are interesting and challenging. Being in a growing Tech company, we always have work to do and great new projects to work on.


The balance of male/female colleagues seems like a good blend at Meister. While we don’t have parity, I think we do a good job of trying to recruit and hire talented people from all backgrounds.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I would say this is an area of growth for Meister. As a SaaS company, we tend to hire more juniors for positions and this excludes older colleagues in senior roles. I would like to see Meister actively recruit older colleagues.


The working environment is really nice at Meister. We have gorgeous offices, standing desks, and it’s always clean and tidy. We have easy access to a garden to eat lunch, work outside, or take a break which really adds value to the day!


I think many of the employees are environmentally and socially conscious, but I haven’t seen any concerted effort specifically from the top-down. I think that Meister leadership could do a better job of enabling and encouraging more social awareness, supporting diverse causes, creating a space for us as a company to be more environmentally conscious and support this financially or with employee volunteer days or something like this.


While I think the salaries are a bit lower than market value, I think Meister makes up for it to some degree with their level of work flexibility.


I think most employees are happy with their jobs and happy with Meister overall.


While we have “development” time, I haven’t personally taken any career advancement time at Meister. Educational classes or professional development is available, in theory, but it doesn’t seem to be a major objective.
