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Great Co-worker, sadly Open-Office, time-intensive

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2019 bei paysafecard.com gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The open colleagues. The free coffee/drinks, Gaming room, quiet cubes, lounge areas.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Too much time pressure. It is flexible but there are too many over-hours to do. Many promises for raises that were never kept.


Recreate offices for departments where needed. Be fairer with the Career of Juniors/ salary development/ courses.


All employees working here are very helpful and friendly. The hierachies are very flat and you can just go and talk with everybody if you need anything.


Like said before, if you need anything you can literally ask anyone for help. But, sometimes the communication is complicated, like Person A tells Person B to tell you to look for Person C and ask what Person D does. Or in some points I'm often not sure what I'm allowed to tell who etc. Could be better.


Working together with colleagues on different projects is often challenging but everyone is motivated to get the best out of it. And even if there happens a mistake you won't be blamed but it will be shown to you to work it out.


Since the projects are often with tight timelines, and you have to invest a lot of time theres not much space left for private time. What is good on the other hand is that we have flexi-time here and are allowed to do home office.


Flat hierachies, but often not in the office. -they try to motivate you for your job and you often hear that you did great but theres also a lot of pressure with short timelines and big expectations on your job

Interessante Aufgaben

differs a lot. Some are interesting but there isn't enough time to work them out the way you'd like. and others just aren't interesting.


some colleagues stay junior for a long time as example. even though they work better than seniors do often. Or that those who should be allowed to go to trainings to be on track with trends etc aren't allowed to but others are. So good for those who get the chance, but there are some people left behind


the open office is often distracting when people walk around next your table or are talking in a way that you can't hear away. The rest of the office is really cool. We have a gaming room, quiet cubes for phone calls. and a really huge lounge. All seats are so comfortable. And there are many coffee machines, with free coffee, tea, hot chocolate, sparkling water, sirups,....


Like said before, some colleagues stay junior way too long, some stay behind without getting higher salary even though the deserve it. And also with the courses, they tell you you will be at courses this year and then nothing happens.

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