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Good company but a bit overrated

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There are a lot of nice people in the company and it's a cool product that has a lot of growth potential.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There is a tendency to ask new employees very soon after joining the company to rate the company on kununu. I didn't like that at all but know it also from other companies. Tractive should stop doing this. First of all new employees can't fairly assess the company and second if they rate the company bad it can be easily traced back to them.


Increase salaries, again I know it's a start up but salaries are really at the bottom end of what you usually earn.
Allow users to take their dogs to work.


A lot of nice employees for the most part. No complaints.


Communication is not great, often important things are not communicated. Management praises itself for transparency but often does not communicate problematic things.


Is pretty good I would say.


Is good, probably depends on the position but in general good.


again depends on the department. The heads are pretty cool but if top management gets involved things can get messy as decisions are often made without giving people the time to explain the whole situation.

Interessante Aufgaben

Mixed, sometimes very interesting, sometimes redundant.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

there are no older colleagues, it's a pretty young company.


The HQ is pretty remote and not easy to reach. From Linz it takes like 30-45 minutes.


yes, it's just not that relevant in this case.


Look it's a start up but at some point people also have to eat. That's a big painpoint.


It regularly wins awards for the work culture but at the same time it's just not a well known company.


If you actively come up with a course or a program chances are you get it approved, at least I saw that for some other colleagues. But there is nothing to my knowledge actively offered from the company side.

