Let's make work better.

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A good place to develop and work

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

the constant thrive to get better and the very human management team


better waste separation, bigger computer monitors


Although I'm not a fan of the open space office, we're ok'ish with it so far. The office has a few bugs, but is designed in a friendly way and offers some practical features such as height-adjustable tables. One can also disappear into a silent area at any time if necessary. Honestly friendly colleagues, free coffee and an actively used soccer table round off the picture nicely.


The larger the company, the more difficult it is to communicate well. Some things go well, sometimes things go wrong or are connected with bureaucracy. What counts for me is that people admit what is wrong and are trying to fix it. Honest 3.69 stars for this category :)


I couldn't wish for better colleagues. Within the teams, no one is left in the lurch, if necessary you bite through together. when/where it suits, something is done together after work. Everyone is accepted as they are.


As a commuter I am very happy about the flexible time handling. It saves time and energy to skip the rush hour on the one hand as well as being in home office (up to half the days) on the other. No overtime is asked for - on the contrary, care is taken not to accumulate any.

Interessante Aufgaben

I would describe my time here with "constantly new challenges". Most of the tasks are interesting - when they aren't, I like to see them as a learning task.


Not that we'd need to, because everything is and ever was perfectly fine, but of course we follow the general trend of overdoing it.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I am also leaning toward the older generation and am 99.99% sure no one has ever been fired because of their age. People are treated respectful in general.


I would like to see better waste separation, but Vienna is simply behind Lower Austria by default ;-)


Unlike anything else I've experienced in my job life before Trayport, there are career opportunities. Managers even ensure that potential is promoted and rewarded accordingly.



