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Don't try unless you are friend with some CXX...

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Interesting project even thou it needs a better architecture (monolithic application as for last month)

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Benefiting connections over good employees (even when so many complains have been made). Better salaries for non-lead positions. Less working hours.


A lot to improve. Treat employees equally, not only the ones you are friend with. Hear what people have to say and share more and earlier


Very bad, decisions are shared last minute and input from employees rarely taken into account


Some are great, but the fact that, even thou it's meant to be an international company where english is used, at the minimum opportunity everyone uses german it makes you feel like you don't matter to them, even leads


Too many hours

Interessante Aufgaben

Only good thing, but it is not enough


Normal salary, not high enough for the amount of hours


Hard to go up the ladder unless you know someone up




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen






HR-Team, HR

Dear reviewer,
Thank you for sharing feedback about your experience at Tset. We value and acknowledge your perspective and are sorry to read that you’ve encountered what you have felt were unequal opportunities and bad work-life-balance at our company. As a company, we listen to our employees and stakeholders and will use your feedback to identify areas where we can improve.

Tset is a growing company with the goal of not only becoming an industry leader but also creating an environment where people feel engaged, valued, and respected.

Open culture and opportunities to provide feedback and engage in discussions are key elements to create such an environment. As a young, growing company, we also recognize the need for agility and flexibility in our decision-making processes. Sometimes, last-minute decisions have to be made without much room for discussion to keep up with the pace of our industry.

Tset is an equal opportunity employer, committed to hiring qualified candidates and we base our hiring decisions and respective compensation on qualifications, skills and experience. We aim to attract top talent and offer competitive salaries, which has been confirmed by internal and external stakeholders. In addition to working with headhunters and recruitment partners, we also rely on referrals from our employees and networks. We believe that our employees are our best ambassadors who know the kind of skills, experience, and values that we look for in potential candidates. All candidates follow the same recruitment evaluation process and to avoid giving unfair advantage, referrals are vetted and evaluated by substitutes.

We understand the importance of work-life balance and offer our employees a high degree of flexibility when it comes to scheduling their working hours. However, to ensure the well-being of our team and prevent overwork, we do ask that employees track their working hours;the company monitors this data to identify potential concerns and take necessary measures.

Our HR team is committed to improving employee experience at Tset and thus would like to follow-up on your feedback and invite you to our offices in Vienna.

Thank you and best regards
Tsetinis Software GmbH
