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28 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern

kununu Score: 4,1Weiterempfehlung: 75%

28 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 4,1 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

21 dieser Mitarbeiter haben den Arbeitgeber in ihrer Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

Authentische Bewertungen für eine bessere Arbeitswelt

Alle Bewertungen durchlaufen den gleichen Prüfprozess - egal, ob sie positiv oder negativ sind. Im Zweifel werden Bewertende gebeten, einen Nachweis über ihr Arbeitsverhältnis zu erbringen.

Best Place I've worked for (so far)

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- Open to work with people all over the world (Visa Sponsorship Included)
- New environment to learn a new discipline/carrer path
- Office location is great

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

- It's known that IT people eat a lot of sugar to keep the mind working, but the snack flow is not enough. MORE SNACKS


- Not something bad on it's own, but feeling is that the current focus is mostly on expanding the Sales & Marketing capabilites currently, rather than reinforce the Engenieering Team. Striking a balance should be key, otherwise, maybe rifts could start appearing.


Working with them feels actually fun, and not on "Company Culture" level fun, but actually enjoyable. Never thought that I would be looking forward to go to the office, but here I am.


As with any company, if you plan your tasks properly, that should not be an issue. I have more than enough time to do my hobbys (which I have a ton) without compromising my work responsabilites.


Feels like working for a "Tip of the Spear" sort of company again, so future looks promissing to invest time to get to fully grasp what they do and be a part of it.


Decent Salary, but could be better. Feels like you get almost the market price, but nothing much above it. The benefits are nice, but are mostly expected on a post-Covid work environment to make people come to office. There are some nice extras like German Classes for the non-natives, so that's a plus.


One of the main focuses of the company is helping bigger companies, which tend to be the main producers of CO2, to reduce their emissions, which I think you can't get more green than that (Replacing all your cans for bottles or start using public transport is never going to be more helpful to the environment that making 10+ factories of any kind cut CO2 emissions by 5%, so there is no even comparisson)
On the social end, nothing really notable, but also, I don't think that should be a prio.


For the teams I'm part of, it actually feels like a team, meaning that people actually have your back and you have theirs in the work-related task. Doesn't hurt the occassional beer :)

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

IT companies tend to be full of young people, so not so much adult people present (think the highest is something like 50), but nobody feels out of place. If you're here, you provide something to the team and the company.


Again, spaguethi teams, but all the people above me at least know what they're talking about, so I don't feel like they don't do their job well, nor that they should not be there.


Hybrid work has changed my perspective of what means being productive. When in office I have all the tools I need to fulfill my tasks, and also on Home Office the company provides the necessary means to don't feel like "you're not being productive enough".


Even tho the organisation is a little bit of spaguethi with it's team distribution, once you get used to it, it's easy to reach who you need to talk for the respective task.


Lost the count of nationalities, etnicities and religions on the company, but it will never not be fun to interact with people form all over the world.

Interessante Aufgaben

Every day it's something new. I have yet to fully grasp the actual magnitude of the company concept, which actually makes it enjoyable to get to learn a whole new discipline I hadn't heard before working here.



Top Arbeitgeber in einem interessanten und zukunftsträchtigen Business

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

der offene Umgang miteinander. Es gibt (zumindest in meiner Abteilung) kein gegenseitiges ausspielen oder lästern. Wir sind ein tolles Team, das die Voraussetzungen gegenseitige Unterstützung - Vertrauen - Engagement - Kritikfähigkeit (wichtige Eigenschaft die oft unterschätzt wird) sehr gut erfüllt.


ich bin kein Fan von der Begrifflichkeit "Work-Life-Balance". Es zählt Leistung und wenn man leistungsorientiert entsprechend den Kundenbedürfnissen arbeitet, bietet der Arbeitgeber mehr Flexibilität weit unbürokratischer als die meisten anderen.


Top Büro in Wien, kostenloser Kaffee, Getränke, ect.!







Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Interessante Aufgaben


A great place to work

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Every day is a new challenge which makes me a btter professional. I never get bored by the repetative tasks.


I get frequent and meaning ful feedbacks from my superior which helps me to grow.







Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Interessante Aufgaben


Great values, you feel part of something big, awesome colleagues and workplace, perfect work-life balance.

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.


Coworkers are very pleasing in general. There is a lot of humor while working, but also people go straight to the point when needed. Things are addressed directly, with no sugar-coating, which makes everything rather efficient, and effective. Possible frictions just make teams grow stronger.


Top flexibility and understanding colleagues/supervisors, specially important for international environments. Remote working is a given and even many of us go to our families (different country) to work remotely for a few days. Not an early raiser, so time flexibility is also top-notch for me.


HR and office admin here does, simply, a great job. Also, internal surveys are just great to ensure working quality.


There is a huge effort by HR and management to define your career within tset, vertically or horizontally. There is allocated time to educate yourself, and continuous internal talks to exchange knowledge. Massive effort to align everyone in terms of knowledge.


Just feel like a well-oiled machine!


They carry the hard work with you when necessary, and lead by example.


Continuous team sync, supervisors availability, discussion when needed, and, above all, the all-hands meetings and open ask-me-anything chats are superb. Sometimes you need to push a bit the communication though.


Salary is rather high, even in low positions. Direct benefits at the moment are fair, but, when new benefits have been suggested, HR have fought for them and they keep adding them.

Interessante Aufgaben

Definitely a very interesting product, which often require a stretch of your abilities. Continuous learning is definitively a thing. When I have been bored with regular software development chores and asked for a change, I could change.




Do not get yourself tricked by old reviews, not the place you want to be

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Some people in low level positions

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

That I'm not friend with COO so I can get a better position and salary


Don't hire your friends and family and put them in lead positions, even when people complain about them


No respect in general for non german speakers, if you complain they tell you that you have to go one by one telling your colleagues to have some respect and speack english in the office (which works for 3 minutes) or to learn german.


Long hours, push you to work more and more with excuses like, we work even more hours so its ok. You need to register when start and finish which makes you feel like again you need to stay longer


It might be changing now but up until now no indication of promotion or further advancing.


Salary is not bad if don't compare it against management


No environmental awareness at all, and that from a company that presents themselves as green and offering a product to calculate and reduce CO2 in processes says enough


It depends with who, there are nice people with it's nice to work with, but not always possible depending on your team

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Some older colleagues are hired. Old working people, again, are promoted based on how much you know someone. People left because they have issues with lead people, but since they were friends with management nothing changed.


It alright. Doors open in winter so smokers can smoke making the office real cold and making heating completely useless. There used to be snack for people, now you are lucky to find any once per week.


Don't share anything until the last minute, management love to keep secrets as in being more important knowing things other don't even thou mostly irrelevant. Very childish behavior


The only equality is if you know someone (mostly COO), then you are good. The rest are equaly f**ked

Interessante Aufgaben

Some projects are quite interesting but a lot of fixing bugs since base code is bad and huge (monolitic application)





HR-Team, HR

Dear Reviewer,
Thank you for sharing your insights about your experience at Tset. Your feedback is invaluable as we continuously strive to refine and enhance the work environment for every team member. We are genuinely sorry to hear about the challenges you've faced, and we want to assure you that your concerns are being actively addressed.

As a dynamic startup with a clear vision of delivering innovative products, our commitment to attracting and retaining top talent is reflected in our offerings of competitive salaries and comprehensive benefits. We place a strong emphasis on impactful contributions and high output, which are essential elements in achieving our collective goals. Consequently, our hiring, promotion and salary decisions are grounded in merit, focusing on experience, skill-set and measurable output, whilst also including factors like industry/domain knowledge. We are dedicated to fostering a culture of equality and do not engage in favoritism.

To further improve the employee experience, we've recently introduced a career path and development framework for our engineering teams. This quarter, we're enhancing our processes by formalizing periodic performance management. This initiative aims to provide clear insights into individual growth, ensuring our team members have the support and resources needed for success at Tset.

We understand the importance of effective communication, and our language policy emphasizes English as the primary language to foster a cohesive work environment. Being a current/or former employee, we assume that you are well aware that we consistently emphasize the use of English as our primary language to ensure effective communication across all teams. Management leads by example in adhering to this practice, reinforcing the importance of respecting the language policy.

Concerning the office environment, each room is equipped with individual heating and cooling elements, allowing teams to regulate the temperature according to their preferences. Additionally, ample windows contribute to natural lighting and ventilation, promoting a comfortable and productive workspace and our large terrace offers space for relaxing in between meetings and social gatherings after working hours.

On a lighter note, we appreciate your acknowledgment of our diverse snack offerings, including snack bars, sweets, and fruit baskets. However, we understand that occasional shortages may occur, especially when our dedicated snack-ambassador takes a well-deserved break.

Lastly, we understand the importance of work-life balance and offer our employees a high degree of flexibility when it comes to scheduling their working hours. However, to ensure the well-being of our team and prevent overwork, we do ask that employees track their working hours;the company monitors this data to identify potential concerns and take necessary measures.

Our HR team is committed to improving employee experience at Tset and thus would like to follow-up on your feedback and invite you to our offices in Vienna.

Once again, thank you for your valuable feedback. We appreciate your role in our journey of growth and improvement.

Best regards,
Tsetinis Software GmbH

Great people, its runf to go to work everyday

FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.


The culture is awesome, regular afterworks and quite some company events happening where is does not feel forced to participate


Flexible working hours and home office all the time if one prefers to


Everyone is very supportive. In case of questions usually everyone tries to answer as quickly as possible. Also it never feels like people try to claim any wins themselves, but rather claim it as a team effort.


Depends on where in the hierarchy you are, in general your direct supervisor is very transparent and clear about expectations. As said earlier transparency from top management could be improved


Communication among colleagues is very direct and contructive.
What is lacking is transparency from top management

Interessante Aufgaben

The domain itself is very interesting and challenging, therefor your daily activities are very interesting.





Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Scale-out with a lot of potential

FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.


nice colleagues, a good vibe and always free beer in the house


typical startup, some days there is a lot to do some days not so much


if you are ambitious there is a lot of potential to further your career


does not matter what the issue is you will always find help from somebody


everybody is treated as a human being, like it should be, nobody is special

Interessante Aufgaben

there is always something new to jump into




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen





Do not work with them and makes me quit working for startups

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


people talk behind you and bad communication








Umgang mit älteren Kollegen




Interessante Aufgaben


Unprofessional start up

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Language of Management (very poor slang). Emails or calendar invitations are getting ignored and not replied upon (lack of professional communication). No criticism allowed. Long decision making routes. Colleagues disappear (again, no communication). No trainings for team leads or employees, therefore no development. The role of employees: human being or resource?


Treat everyone with respect. People who went to uni with the CCO are getting privileged. Don't date your employees.


Depends on what department you are in. Seemed good at first, but very tense and split.


Nice on the outside!


Lots of overtime


Training or further education is non existent.


Good pay. However, the pay gap between a regular employee and someone on management level is out of this world.


Ironically completely lacking. For a company that develops a carbon managing software, orders from Amazon fly in every day, company beer and soft drinks come in cans.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Can't really tell. Start ups are generally a world of young people in their 20s.


Head in Vienna is unprofessional. Heads in Salzburg are friendly.


New office. Work equipment/laptop etc. is good.


Bad. Especially from top level management.


Seems fine. Don't know about equal pay.


Interessante Aufgaben



HR-Team, HR

Dear Reviewer,
Thank you for providing feedback about your experience at Tset. We are sorry to hear that you felt you have not been given equal opportunities and experienced poor work-life balance while working with us. We value feedback from our employees and stakeholders as it helps us to identify areas where we can improve our employee experience.

As a growing company, our goal is to deliver a great product and create a work environment where everyone feels respected, valued, and engaged.

Our passion and commitment to excellence can sometimes lead to emotional discussions. However, we believe that healthy debates and constructive feedback are necessary for continuous improvement and success. We believe that an open culture and environment where feedback and discussion are encouraged are crucial to achieving this.

Our leadership is committed to balancing agility and flexibility with inclusivity and collaboration to empower our team members. We are continuously working on creating a work environment that supports and encourages growth and development of our team members. Your feedback is valuable to us and we will use it to make positive changes that benefit everyone in our organization.

Work-life balance is crucial for our employees' overall well-being and productivity. To support this, we provide a great deal of flexibility.. To ensure sensible working hours, we ask employees to track their working hours, and our company monitors this data to identify any issues that may arise and take necessary measures.

At Tset we support growth and development of our employees by providing opportunities for training and development. We have a dedicated budget for this purpose.Employees are encouraged to request training that aligns with their career goals and development needs and each request is carefully evaluated.

Tset offers benefits to support the well-being of our employees, including additional holidays and options for physical activity such as yoga, as well as snacks and drinks to refuel and refresh during the workday. Moving forward, we are committed to sourcing these items responsibly and will try to prioritize environmentally-friendly and socially responsible options.

Our HR team would like to follow up with you on your feedback. We invite you to reach out internally to discuss your concerns and work on ways to improve your experience at Tset given that your review states that you are an active employee. It goes without saying that this discussion, as well as your identity is and will remain confidential should you wish so.

Thank you again for your feedback, and we hope to hear from you soon.
Best regards,
Tsetinis Software GmbH

Don't try unless you are friend with some CXX...

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Interesting project even thou it needs a better architecture (monolithic application as for last month)

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Benefiting connections over good employees (even when so many complains have been made). Better salaries for non-lead positions. Less working hours.


A lot to improve. Treat employees equally, not only the ones you are friend with. Hear what people have to say and share more and earlier


Too many hours


Hard to go up the ladder unless you know someone up


Normal salary, not high enough for the amount of hours


Some are great, but the fact that, even thou it's meant to be an international company where english is used, at the minimum opportunity everyone uses german it makes you feel like you don't matter to them, even leads


Very bad, decisions are shared last minute and input from employees rarely taken into account

Interessante Aufgaben

Only good thing, but it is not enough




Umgang mit älteren Kollegen






HR-Team, HR

Dear reviewer,
Thank you for sharing feedback about your experience at Tset. We value and acknowledge your perspective and are sorry to read that you’ve encountered what you have felt were unequal opportunities and bad work-life-balance at our company. As a company, we listen to our employees and stakeholders and will use your feedback to identify areas where we can improve.

Tset is a growing company with the goal of not only becoming an industry leader but also creating an environment where people feel engaged, valued, and respected.

Open culture and opportunities to provide feedback and engage in discussions are key elements to create such an environment. As a young, growing company, we also recognize the need for agility and flexibility in our decision-making processes. Sometimes, last-minute decisions have to be made without much room for discussion to keep up with the pace of our industry.

Tset is an equal opportunity employer, committed to hiring qualified candidates and we base our hiring decisions and respective compensation on qualifications, skills and experience. We aim to attract top talent and offer competitive salaries, which has been confirmed by internal and external stakeholders. In addition to working with headhunters and recruitment partners, we also rely on referrals from our employees and networks. We believe that our employees are our best ambassadors who know the kind of skills, experience, and values that we look for in potential candidates. All candidates follow the same recruitment evaluation process and to avoid giving unfair advantage, referrals are vetted and evaluated by substitutes.

We understand the importance of work-life balance and offer our employees a high degree of flexibility when it comes to scheduling their working hours. However, to ensure the well-being of our team and prevent overwork, we do ask that employees track their working hours;the company monitors this data to identify potential concerns and take necessary measures.

Our HR team is committed to improving employee experience at Tset and thus would like to follow-up on your feedback and invite you to our offices in Vienna.

Thank you and best regards
Tsetinis Software GmbH

Wir setzen auf Transparenz

So verdient kununu Geld.

Fragen zu Bewertungen und Gehältern

  • Basierend auf 28 Erfahrungen von aktuellen und ehemaligen Mitarbeitenden wird TSET durchschnittlich mit 4,1 von 5 Punkten bewertet. Dieser Wert liegt über dem Durchschnitt der Branche IT (4 Punkte). 68% der Bewertenden würden TSET als Arbeitgeber weiterempfehlen.
  • Ausgehend von 28 Bewertungen gefallen die Faktoren Arbeitsatmosphäre, Kollegenzusammenhalt und Arbeitsbedingungen den Mitarbeitenden am besten an dem Unternehmen.
  • Neben positivem Feedback haben Mitarbeitende auch Verbesserungsvorschläge für den Arbeitgeber. Ausgehend von 28 Bewertungen sind Mitarbeitende der Meinung, dass sich TSET als Arbeitgeber vor allem im Bereich Kommunikation noch verbessern kann.