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kununu Score: 2,6Weiterempfehlung: 0%

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Hello Freunderlwirtschaft

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei wikifolio Financial Technologies AG gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Funny people

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich



Take the responsibility if you forget or mess up something, because trying to find someone to blame on your mistakes and fire people will not solve the groud problem which is in you.


The most disturbing thing at wikifolio is the obvious cronyism (Freundelwitschaft). Doesn't matter what skill and competency you have-if you know someone here or your tongue is long enough than you are good to go. Hygiene is not top priority, for some reasons people prefer to walk around without shoes and loose clothes in the office as soon it gets warmer, so expect to see and smell a lot of arm-pit and dirty feet. Also, dirty hands and sport clothes are obligatory office wear, gives the utmost pro impression when talking to your colleagues...must have thought someone and since then a lot copy.


For whatever reason some people have the illusion here that they work for some Silicon Valley giant or that they are at least as great talents.. haha.. ha..


This is a company which is the copycat of its biggest competitor. Rather disappointing in the lack of orignal idea, solutions or infrastructure but at least the management is pretty arrogant and like to lose face in meetings. Well, in case they are present in the office, because they manage really well to spend a lot of time on holidays and in 'home office'. Seeing this motivated me also to stay at home too. Some head of's won't take the responsibility for their mistake but will try to put it on their team members.


A lot of blabla about why they can't provide proper details for tasks in time


Outwars yes, inwards no

Interessante Aufgaben

Yes, you can learn, but it's a fire & hire company








Christina OehlerHead of Marketing and Communications

Dear (former) employee,

the wikifolio.com business model is one of its kind in the world and we are very proud of it.

What we care about internally is finding the smartest, most effective and sustainable solution to the challenges we face - It does not matter if it's in boardshorts or a suit, with shoes or without. We expect our employees to be aspirational, aim high, experiment, fail early, learn and improve - no blaming nor cronyism needed.

Just like with our customers, we also seek a long-term relationship with our employees. Employees who have ever been dismissed can be counted on one hand - even though the team size has grown to almost 60 employees. In some cases, both parties need to accept that expectations and performance do not match, whether it's corporate culture, work environment, or performance.

Nevertheless, we wish all the best on your journey and a professional challenge that fits your expectations.
