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Stay away! Not to be recommended! You won't stay long! 3 years was enough for me!

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Administration / Verwaltung bei Deloitte AG in Zürich gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Currently in a nice location with a beautiful public lakeside park across the road. Good location for public transport. No parking for lower levels. Only Partners can rent a parking space.
The location will change in a year's time when they move to their new building which will still be good to reach by public transport but the surroundings are a concrete jungle. Workspaces will continue to be "Hot Seats".

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

see all of the above




Very bad, people are at each others throats. Each to his own! Management treats lower levels extremely bad and without any respect. Total incompetence on the side of the management. Put downs, mobbing!
No fixed workspace. You have to "fight" for your daily space and be in extra early to secure one. You'll end up working in the cafeteria!


Email flood, constant nonsensical blablabla in neverending newsletters and communications from the management who describe everything to be wonderful and inspiring. Important information within the department and team is not shared, emails are not answered, deadlines are not kept, etc. etc.


Most chase only after their own laurels. It's a useless chase because they will never reap any benefits nor praise. The only ones that might get rewarded are the higher levels. In interviews much is promised about bonusses being paid, but in fact there's always some excuse why a bonus cannot be paid to the lower ranks. If the management stresses to bring in more business then it's only because they are worried that they will not receive a large bonus. The lower ranks who do all the hard work get nothing. Very cliquey. Hard work will not get you promoted, only if you're a favourite and in with "the right people". Some talents work their way up "on the back of others".


None! Being sick becomes homeoffice. Bad for you if you don't check and answer emails after 18.00 or during your holidays.
On their webpage you see smily faces and teams doing sports activites together. Much fuss is being made of being "Fittest company of the year".
Overtime is "officially not encouraged". Fact: Overtime, complete stress and pressure are daily routine. Being able to leave on time is nearly impossible. You even have to feel guilty if you want to leave on time for a change. If you leave at 21.00 you are still not the last to leave. Many go home and continue with home office until midnight. Sometimes people work through the night on proposals.


They shout at you, even in meetings in front of others. They bang their fists on tables, they throw their arms around, put-downs, arrogance, mobbing. It's like a bunch of badly behaved Kindergartners. Management does not even support each other. Each tends to "his own little garden", even within the same department. Trying to get a meeting with a higher level is very difficult. If you have a meeting they don't show and don't even have the decency to cancel. If they pass you they don't even greet you.
The HR/Talent department is incapable. Being HR/Talent you'd expect them to greet you when they pass. They don't. They look away and act as if you aren't even there.
If you know who your coach is and he/she actually takes the time and interest and supports you in your develoment then you're exceptionally lucky.

Interessante Aufgaben

Depends on what job you do. Most of it is routine. Sometimes you are given so many tasks that you are totally stressed out and can't keep up and get no support whatsoever. If you don't regularly volunteer for more work and projects because you are already overloaded ... bad for you! If you get a proper and in-depth introduction into your job or a proper hand-over you are very lucky.


Quite a number of women in lower levels, but not so many in managment. Men tend to be taken more seriously and get promoted sooner. A big show is made when for once a woman gets promoted. The famous "Respect and Inclusion" is touted all the time, but they do not actually live it - no respect and no inclusion.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The older ones are mainly management. Arrogance and bad attitude toward lower ranks. Competition, bad-mouthing, non-supportive amongst themselves.
The lower levels are staffed with young people "who don't cost much". Internships are offered and trainees are also welcome. They are given much work and responsibility which they find great. But in fact this helps to save money because one does not have to pay a fully qualified employee.


They are no better than in any other average company, even though they like to say that they are better.


They do some, but could do more. The pile of garbage bags lining the pavement on garbage collection mornings proves that more could be done. They support some minor projects and make a major show of them.


For the lower levels salaries are no better, even slightly lower than in other companies. One likes the employees "as young and as cheap as possible". The social benefits are not better than anywhere else. In interviews much is being made of "Special Benefits and Discounts." A Felfel booth is in the Cafeteria. One pays full price for it and the choice is very limited. There are discounts at various obscure shops which are no use to the average person. You get some fleet discount for some car makes. You get an SBB half price fare paid per year and a company phone and a cheap phone abo for CHF 25.00 per month.
For your birthday you get CHF 50.00, coffee, tea and bubbly water is free.

In other companies you get annual train abos for your commute, discounts or even annual memberships to fitness studios, free fruit and juices and soft drinks, etc. etc. in fact many other companies have their own fitness studios, relax rooms, etc. None of this exists here.


The public image is polished continually. Ever more "glam" campaigns for public consumption are being thought of. Much "show" also takes place internally and constantly new posters are going up with yet another new wonderful slogan.


Many internal online courses and compliance. Further education has to be done on one's own budget. Some job related education is being paid for. You might need to pay this back if you leave the firm "too soon", even though you gifted them many hours of overtime.

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