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ill-mannered and strange

Bewerber/inHat sich 2016 bei UBS in Zürich als Global Marketing beworben und eine Absage erhalten.


The strangest interview I've ever had. Two people interviewed - the interview had already been postponed by 4 days due to sickness of one of the interviewers - this in itself was a drama as it seems they had an intern trying to secure appointments but he rang me 4 times within half an hour to keep making changes so was very uncoordinated.
The male interviewer on entering the room announced that he was still quite sick and almost falling asleep so was unsure whether he would be able to stay for the entire interview. He promised to try and stay awake for the first half hour, and then leave the rest to his colleague if the interview continued after this time frame.
My initial thought was that it would have been nice to be informed, that it was just a "take a look at you" meeting, since I for my part had made quite an effort to be prepared.
It was quite clear from the outset, that the woman interviewer who was transitioning within the company and seeking someone to take her place in her current role (which i was applying for), was already completely convinced that nobody infact, is capable of doing the job as well as her.
She talked for about 80% of the time and then I was asked what I thought I could bring to the role.
I was asked a couple of questions about my CV and positions in companies I had worked for but nothing really to speak of.
I did manage to be engaging enough to keep her colleague awake and at the meeting for 40 minutes which seemed like quite a victory considering his initial comments.
I was called about a week later and told they hadn't as yet found anybody who was capable of taking on everything that the interviewer was covering in her current role, which confirmed my suspicion that nobody will be able to take her place.
When I asked if it was really just to do with my profile of if I had done anything wrong in the interview there was a fair bit of stuttering and then I was told I had used the word "frustrated" more than once, making me appear negative.
I only recall using the word once when describing why I was leaving my current position.
I found the whole experience quite unsatisfying and also I wouldn't even really class it as an interview.


I was asked why I was leaving my current role

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