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3 best years of immense growth & professional development

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2021 im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei 1st solution consulting gmbh (Düsseldorf / Deutschland) in Düsseldorf gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

endless opportunities, letting people take ownership


keep on investing in employees


flat hierachy system. hardwork is rewarded. I believe there is fairness amongst colleagues and management.


in regards to communication, i believe every team and departmment communicate with strategies that is best for them and the company at large.


colleagues are very supportive. There is a mutual goal, that is adding more value to the company and there is a good relationship and cordial work relationship .


before the pandemic, you could work 3 days in the office and 2 days remotely. Since the pandemic, we have working full remote over a year.Holidays are obviously planned in accordance to the team members availability. For longer holidays, it is better to request at least a month before.


i believe there is no organization without conflict, but instead how it is resolved. At the 1st,there is a clear description of responsibilties and obviously feedback are taking seriously on how to improve or how they c could help employees reach their targets and goals

Interessante Aufgaben

why i enjoyed working here is there is no limitation to what you can do. if you decide to take new responsibilties, change departments or want more, as long as ayou can justify why you want to, the opportinities and tasks are in abundance to choose from


in my opinion, i believe there are more women at 1st solution, and i felt equal treatment between my peers

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

i don't think this was ever a problem in my experience. there is a cordial work relationship between regardless of their age.


we get the latest iphones and great computer system. We also have IT Support in case we have technical issues. If it is not urgent, a ticket can be raised, if it is urgent a call would be necessary


i believe salary compared to competition is way better, this is obvious with the influx in new employees from the competition.


the strength of any organization is the employees. 1st solution have employees who have worked for over 15 years and still counting. Well i believe for those who are still motivated, they know the company keeps trying their best to make work life conditions better


what i notice work best at the 1st is, always ask for what you want. apart from that, there are several trainings mandatory for different departments, of course since corona, this has not been feasible. But i am 100% sure if an employee requires training or certification for a job, if brought to management with justification, it would be approved.

As long as there is a will, there is a way, with IT Consulting, Recruiting Experts, there are several opportunities for a career if you want it.

