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Shady management, amazing team

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Praktikant/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The linguistic/production team has a wonderful atmosphere and everybody is always willing to help. Feedback is always constructive.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Lacking transparency (most people, including some from HR don't know about the freelance contracts for interns), salaries (for both interns and junior coordinators) and communication from management.


Work-life-balance is a huge issue. The workload for the linguistic/production team is ridiculous. There are way too many clients that don't pay enough/cost the team too much time. There should be less and well-picked clients and more coordinators and in-house editors. Resources should be managed more efficiently.


The linguistic team that I'm working with is amazing, everyone is friendly and always ready to help.


Interns are on the lowest rungs of the company ladder, so we are usually the last to be informed about anything.


The team spirit is great and people within the linguistic team are always looking out for each other.


People have to do way too much OT, time management is a real problem and the team is chronically overworked.


My team lead was overworked too, but they were still there for us if there was a problem. The higher ups - not so much... they were pretty ignorant to intern issues and seemingly not interested in solutions.

Interessante Aufgaben

The work is pretty interesting and the content very diverse so there is always something new.


Employees are very diverse and I felt like everyone is welcome.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Most employees are under 40 I think, but no one is treated differently because of their age as far as I can tell.


There is some flexibility with working from home (even from abroad), but in the beginning of my internship there were not enough laptops, so I had to use my own hardware when working from home.


Intern contracts are basically freelance contracts, so no social security and pay is abysmal. Starting wages for regular emplyoees are barely above minimum wage.


There is not much in terms of training for interns.
