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I had a really good time working for Compado

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2023 im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Actual remote setup and good atmosphere, employees are trusted, I worked very productive and still had fun with colleagues and leads from different teams. After hard times in 2023 the motivation is high and before I left I noticed that Compado is working on new technology projects. In general I experienced Compado as an innovative company that invested boldly as well

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I guess nobody liked the layoffs in 2023 but I dont if this was foreseeable or could have been solved differently. Markets have changed a lot in the past years with all the uncertainty, still it came somehow out of the blue for most employees I guess.


I read posts about Compado critizising they focus on profits. Profitablity is a focus. Obviously, this is an important one to be able to run a company in the long run and therefore also secure peoples jobs, especially in these times. So probably not every employee has a basic understanding of business and numbers, maybe try communicate the connection between profits and jobs more clearly but also make transparent what every team can do in order to contribute as not everyone has a direct influence on profits.


Working atmosphere was very good compared to my previous jobs. Although economic times are tough for many companies, employees were trusted and not pressured or micromanaged.


Communication was always good within my team and with team members from other teams that I was usually working with. Remote setup though brings challenges in terms of socialising and personal communication.


Kind of a bad mood among some employees/teams due to layoffs in 2023 what i can totally understand. But I also experienced (and was very impressed by that) very motivated colleagues with the right drive to move on and excel


Super great, actually the only company that I know that is REALLY 100% remote (whereas most companies advertise and still want you to come to the office regularily)


Probably depends on the team you are in, I had a good lead and also worked with other team leads and senior leaders. From my experience people (employees and leads) are experts in their fields and mostly very nice and helpful

Interessante Aufgaben

Probably also depends on the team. I was working with the worlds most known consumer brands and learned a lot during my time at Compado.


Never experienced any discrimination for age, nationality, sexual orientation, etc. in Compado you can find people from around the world

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I think the people working at Compado are in their twenties, thirties and fourties but I am not relaly sure about that. Several people that started working with the companie when it was founded are still there.


I had a good salary also had a raise when I took over additional tasks and responsibilities after a year. I didnt talk much wich colleagues about salaries but from what I have heard, everyone seems to be quite satisfied. No matter which company you work for, you can always find another company that pays a little more salary or bonus. For me its an important part but there are also other things to consider like the remote setup, trust and freedom to schedule your work independantly, team atmosphere etc.


I decided to move on after a few years, because at some point I had the feeling that I cannot learn much more in this company. Obviously, not everyone wants to or can become a lead either, no company can have only leads :)



