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Great place to work with potential for modernization

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Personal / Aus- und Weiterbildung gearbeitet.


Modernize working hours and core hours. Implement a company-wide time tracking system which adds much more transparency and allows employees to use their overtime for additional holidays.


Good constructive feedback from leads, bi-weekly meetings to discuss potential problems and challenges, relaxed atmosphere at the office (i.e. no dress code)


Team meetings and feedback + probation meetings, people always take their time to talk to you and answer your questions, even if they are very busy.


Both within my department and also with people from other departments, the team spirit is awesome and people stick together.


A 40 hour work week and the strict core hours are both pretty outdated, which has a negative effect on the work life balance.


My lead is always open for feedback and trusts in my abilities. There is no micromanaging and I have room to grow and organize the day by myself.

Interessante Aufgaben

The tasks I have are interesting and challenging. Between my colleagues and me, our tasks are evenly divided. Weekly team meetings allow us to talk about our current tasks and whether we could redistribute tasks that take too much time from one person, for example.


Although I wish we could encourage more women to join the games industry, in general, women are treated equally as men at Crytek.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Older people are not treated any differently compared to young people.


The office is very nice and has a thought-through design and decorations. The heater and AC seem to be acting up, which is why it is either too hot or too cold in the office. The restrooms are icecold in the winter. I wish it would be possible to open windows at the office, but that's not on Crytek, rather the building.


There is not much done here regarding the environment. I don't think that there is much thought put on this here at Crytek.


Salary is alright and arrives on time. The salaries could be a little better, but it's ok overall. There are a lot of benefits such as a free tram ticket and a gym membership.


Overall, current employees think very highly of Crytek. The public image as an employer is not that good due to old problems being brought up on a regular basis, but fortunately, that is something that HR and management do not just ignore and actually work on.


Opportunities for promotions and advanced training are currently not that great, but they are being worked on from what I heard. Especially regarding promotions, modern employees expect it to be much more fast-paced and flexible than it used to be. There should be more than just a time stamp on which an employee receives a promotion, such as increasing responsibilities.
