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Not As Good As It Seems

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Werkstudent/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

1. The workforce is diverse. This gives an opportunity to learn to think from different perspectives provided by the people of different backgrounds.
2. The teams are small and that makes it easier to have good connections with your team members.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

1. There are many incompetent people working there. Their performance is mediocre. However, they use politics over putting in work to show themselves as a good employee of the organization. Their objective is to get the new employee sacked so that they don't have to lose their jobs.
2. Somehow hard-work, efficiency, and good work ethics are overlooked due to political affiliation. Some pro-Communist people are holding key positions in the company. They will favor a less-working/slacking employee over a hard-working one just because they are pro-Communist. So showing good work ethics does not make any sense in this company. We have already seen the Soviet Union going on a downward spiral due to the same reason where nepotism was practiced more than meritocracy to fill the key positions. It is logical to think that if this goes on, the company at some point in the future will go bankrupt as well as some other company elsewhere will provide better service.
3. There are dishonest people working in the project manager positions. Their words don't have any weight.


1. Try to use the statistics generated by task tracking systems and personnel management systems before sacking or promoting an employee. I have seen people trying to make people get rejected only because they don't like them. If you listen to those toxic people and make your decisions then you are doing the company a disfavor.
2. Try to keep people who show integrity and a good work ethic over other characteristics. A good face is only as good as long as your company provides the quality of work that it promises to deliver to its clients.


Each of the teams has its own room with modern gadgets.


Everybody communicates using Ms Teams and through emails. Sometimes Zoom is used as well.


It depends on the team members. Some of them want other team members to get sacked and talk behind their backs giving them a bad reputation. Others try to keep a good relationship with everybody.


Most of the employees work 9 to 5 jobs. There are company breakfasts every week and sessions to share innovative solutions to problems by different teams. Other than that there are team events.


It depends on the supervisor. Some are good and some are incompetent. The good ones appreciate your efforts. The bad ones listen to other team members and form an impression about someone.

Interessante Aufgaben

Tasks are mostly repititive.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Most of the employees are young.


The office is located in a good location. And the amenities provided by the company are more than enough.


The salary is equal to the industry average.


Very few people know about this firm.


They offer LinkedIn learning for all the employees.


