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Happy to be where I am – wouldn't trade it for anything else!

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Personal / Aus- und Weiterbildung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Experiencing the positive impact of female leadership, I value the unique perspective it brings. Appreciating the balance of freedom and responsibility in our roles.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Juggling multiple projects can be a challenge, especially when deep focus is needed. The dynamics vary based on the projects at hand. Balancing act in progress!


Maybe more co-workings :)


Having experienced diverse environments both within my professional role and various projects, I can confidently say that I am genuinely happy.


Swift, direct, always supportive, and committed to mutual growth and learning. Authenticity is key and happening.


In our team, trust is paramount. While some connections may be closer than others, it's completely natural. What's truly remarkable is how our closeness persists, even without a traditional office setting.


I enjoy a lot of flexibility! Whether it's managing personal appointments or embracing shorter work hours for summer, you have the freedom to structure your day. Of course, with great flexibility comes the responsibility to keep things running smoothly.


No complaints here! Clear expectations, open communication, and a sense of being valued. Not just a number, but a voice that's heard and respected.

Interessante Aufgaben

Variety is the spice of the job! While projects may vary, showcasing your capabilities and eagerness opens doors. Leaders strive to fulfill your aspirations. This role offers a spectrum of tasks, a stark contrast to the more confined in-house positions.


Everyone is treated equally and respectfully.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Our team skews towards a younger demographic, reflective of the digital nature of our field. Diversity in age may be limited, but it's a testament to the dynamic and innovative spirit within our team.


Freedom, flexibility, great colleagues and exciting projects. I am happy.


We're always striving for more, but we contribute through annual donations and champion a paperless approach wherever possible. Small steps toward a more sustainable footprint!


I am content with my fair salary.


Great image, which is based on the great work we are doing for so long by now and comes with having worked with so many interesting brands also.


There are ways of where and how we can develop, sometimes I would wish for a little more guidance on this but know that if I ask, my leader will do everything she can to support me and show me possible options. You do need to be proactive for it tho.
