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Exhausting & uninspiring

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Design / Gestaltung bei Edelman GmbH Berlin in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Big global network, chance to work with lots of offices and move somewhere new.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Work is repetitive and uninspiring. Middle managers need training on managing teams and mentoring junior staff. Fast-paced agency culture prioritises money over people’s wellbeing. Zero career progression opportunities in certain teams.


Stop treating staff like they’re replaceable. Find opportunities for mentoring and try to foster a better team culture.


Company culture is lacking – I worked for the firm for a number of years and didn’t receive a single email or card when I left wishing me goodbye and good luck. Only one person in the whole company called to say goodbye. Barely spoke to anyone in my team for years. Pressure to return to the office 3 days a week, felt like a lack of trust in employees working from home. When in the office, no one spoke to each other.


A lot of information on numbers and financial performance from leaders, lack of open communication between teams (eg. Not realising colleagues had left or we’d lost accounts, etc).


In theory yes, but still very much a very frantic work culture in reality (people skipping lunch, messaging to say they’re away from their desk for 10 mins, asking for changes on a Friday night). Definitely felt there was an expectation to be a content producing robot – tasks were booked in with such short deadlines there wasn’t time to think, most things seem to be urgent. Often times multiple people would be working on the same PPT at once, to the point slides would be deleted or moved while you were working on them.


Spoke to my manager twice a year. No care for the wellbeing of junior reports. Zero mentorship or onboarding whatsoever. Was never offered advice or room to improve, if someone didn’t ‘get’ something right away it felt like you’d just be blocked from working on that client or team in the future (without feedback on what you did wrong).

Interessante Aufgaben

Work itself is very dry and boring, never felt engaged or challenged apart from dealing with unrealistic deadlines. Most work revolves around making PPT decks or social media templates – the same tasks again and again and again.



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen








Laura Dubowy, Senior Recruiter & HR Business Partner
Laura DubowySenior Recruiter & HR Business Partner

Dear former team member,

Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback about your time at Edelman.

We are very happy to hear that you enjoyed working internationally at Edelman and, of course, working with our colleagues around the world. We also find our international focus very beneficial, as many minds lead to many exciting ideas :)

We are, however, surprised by your statement about the lack of communication, which we cannot understand. We have monthly all-agency meetings to which all employees are invited, of course. In addition, we record each of these meetings so that colleagues who were on holiday, sick or otherwise unavailable can look at the meeting afterwards.
In these meetings, there is always an HR and new business part, in which we inform about our new starters and leavers and also give information about our clients and pitches.

Nevertheless, we take criticism very seriously and want to continue to improve.
Therefore, we would be very pleased if you would contact us again directly so that we can discuss any points of criticism. Perhaps you have concrete ideas that we can implement directly in practice? We would be very pleased - because this is the only way we have the opportunity to develop further!
So feel free to contact us by e-mail at HR.Germany@edelman.com or get in touch with a member of your choice from your former HR team.

Best regards,
Your HR Team
