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4 von 105 Bewertungen von Mitarbeitern (gefiltert)

kununu Score: 2,9Weiterempfehlung: 25%

4 Mitarbeiter haben diesen Arbeitgeber mit durchschnittlich 2,9 Punkten auf einer Skala von 1 bis 5 bewertet.

Einer dieser Mitarbeiter hat den Arbeitgeber in seiner Bewertung weiterempfohlen.

They missed the call - a second wave will hit them!

Nicht empfohlen
FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

ski trip (except with corona of course), christmas party.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Very old fashioned, tries to be modern but since management doesn't change, they always fall back to the old ways. They have waves of people leaving every year. Another is coming soon. Last time it was up to 50 people leaving or being fired because they didn't like them.


Open your eyes. See what is wrong with your company.


Not much of an atmosphere with Corona anymore. Not their fault though! Before that it depends. Between colleagues great. Bosses not great.


leadgen. never a good image.


Some people can come and go when they want. Others are told when to come and go.


No chance to grow. People in higher positions are too comfortable and will not move, even if they are bad, management doesn't see it. That's why not just me but others will leave soon.


Promises but in the end often you don't get the bonus they told you would get.


My colleagues are mostly ok. Some are weird.


Worst. I had five better jobs and five better bosses.


Not good.


I can just agree to the 1000 people before who said it: Communication was not there or a lie

Interessante Aufgaben

same same same


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



Time to go...empty promises is what you get

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Vertrieb / Verkauf bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Wofür möchtest du deinen Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation loben?

they did what everybody did

Was macht dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation nicht gut?

same as all the others

Wie kann dich dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation noch besser unterstützen?

they can not


I have worked in several jobs already, big companies and start-ups and nowhere we had atmosphere like this. Lies from management, secrecy and control, control, control.


this company has a bad image, in Germany and in other countries with clients, the public and agencies.


Not so much work to do or stupid tasks given from the management




They tell you that everything is possible. then you overachieve targets and your "raise" doesn't even cover inflation.
Do not come here because of promises. Be sure you have what you want in your contract.


i heard they donate, but I don't know if this isn't another lie.


Good colleagues. Without them I would have left already. But now I have to go anyway. Not even colleagues can make it good enough here.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I don't know about that, I am not old


they are the reason I am leaving.


pretty dirty, the floor is disgusting at some places and the people in office management don't do anything even if you ask. elevators are very often broken. good luck walking up to the 4 floor


Very bad or not even existent


we have people of sexes, nationalities, sex-orientation - this part is good.

Interessante Aufgaben

not so much. in the beginning is interesting, after is very much the same



human resources

Dear Colleague,
Thank you very much for your feedback,
First of all, eGENTIC does not lie. eGENTIC donates every year 10.000 € to the "Frankfurter Stiftung für krebskranke Kinder".
As you know, eGENTIC has three managing directors and all three live the open door policy. eGENTC also has a person of trust, eGENTIC would be happy if you would talk to one of the directors directly ot the person of trust, so that eGENTIC can further improve with your help.

They got so low that they begged their employees to write positive reviews on Kununu

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Wofür möchtest du deinen Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation loben?

see above

Was macht dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation nicht gut?

dont know about that

Wie kann dich dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation noch besser unterstützen?

I don't know about that, I left a long while ago but from what I have heard from former colleagues, they treat it good.


There were times where things were fine but ususally management quickly found a way to "handle" that. Within the teams the atmosphere is mostly good but you don't want to know how it is with management.


public dislikes this company, which is connected to planet49 (before renaming it because of the bad image). Googling it will make you question whether you want to really work here.


I don't know if management doesn't realize or don't care but nobody there is really working hard. I saw so many people just playing table tennis or kicker, drinking coffee, chatting most of the day. Good if you just want money for not doing anything.


most middle management people are stuck at their positions so there is no way up in marketing as well as sales. they gave fake positions to a few people to make them happy with titles but other than that no real way up.


you can make good money in leadgeneration because it is a shady business and the euros just come in without a lot of work once you have it up and running.
but for what they make and what they give, they are actually more greedy. a lot of people left for competitors who understood that employees should be paid decently.


no idea about that.


colleagues are great

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

some guys are quite old. i guess they have a good life there and are treated well.


2 Stars because some of the middle management country manager guys are cool. top management has serious issues. nobody understands why the party in charge hasn't done anything yet...


ok. not hightech fancy but they finally changed some old laptops. not willing to use standing-desks though for people with back problems


Horrible communication towards the employees, from what you got from middlemanagement even they were not given proper answers or explanations for weird decisions made by top management.


very multicultural, open minded.

Interessante Aufgaben




human resources

Dear Ex-colleague,
Thank you very much for your evaluation and your detailed feedback,
Many thinks changed since you left. Nevertheless we will consider your feedback. We would have appriciated if you would have given your feedback to the person of trust or the management. The doors of management are always open.
We are very surprised about your opinion of your former colleagues. Playing table tennis or kicker is good way to energize yourself for concatrated working afterwards. We think this is very important for a good work-life balance.

vielen Dank für die Erfahrung

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei eGENTIC GmbH gearbeitet.

Wofür möchtest du deinen Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation loben?

Das Wohlergehen der Mitarbeiter stand an erster Stelle, habe ich mir sagen lassen von Leuten die dort arbeiten.

Wie kann dich dein Arbeitgeber im Umgang mit der Corona-Situation noch besser unterstützen?

Das Unternehmen hat super schnell reagier um seine Mitarbeiter zu unterstützen habe ich gehört, aber genau so menschlich habe ich sie auch in Erinnerung


Das Team ist großartig und sehr hilfsbereit! Ein internationales Team mit dem gewissen Flair!


Durch die flexible Arbeitszeit hat man absolut das Gleichgewicht zwischen Arbeit und Privatleben


Die Kollegen sind absolut loyal und freundlich..

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Schwer zusagen da es sich um ein super junges Team handelt.. aber die Oldies waren klasse und absolut jung geblieben im Kopf.


Die Vorgesetzten sind freundlich und haben ein offenen Ohr für einen.


Ich war in einem Team in dem offen und transparent kommunizieret worden ist. Ich habe es sehr geschätzt.


Absolut gegeben

Interessante Aufgaben

Da es sich hier um ein Urgestein in der Branche handelt, sind die Aufgaben immer interessant und spannend. Das Unternehmen schaut immer in die Zukunft.








human resources

Dear Ex-colleague,
Thank you very much for your evaluation and your detailed feedback, which we take to heart.
All the best
