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    • Manager:in Business Development

    • Wie fair wirst du bezahlt?

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    Kommentare zum Gehalt aus unseren Bewertungen

    Hier sind die neuesten Kommentare zum Thema Gehalt aus unseren Arbeitgeberbewertungen.

    Gehalt/SozialleistungenEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

    They want well educated, highly motivated employees but are not willing to pay a fair salary. I worked in this company long enough and never got a pay raise even though I constantly had to take on new responsibilities.
    Everytime you bring up "the money talk", they will come up with some sort of excuse.
    2 stars because they are willing to pay for public transport at least.

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    Gehalt/SozialleistungenEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

    The salary is fair for the industry but all around not the best. I'm not influenced by money though; more about the work and whether or not it's fun and meaningful.

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    Gehalt/SozialleistungenAngestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

    Salaries are rather on the low to very-low side especially considering how much it is expected from us (we get lots of additional roles assigned to us, because of the constant struggles the company faces) and also how much working here will affect you emotionally.

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    Gehalt/SozialleistungenAngestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

    It's difficult to get a real answer about what others earn and all the data we are getting sent from Kununu and others about what "other people" earn makes me wonder if I have a reason to feel underpaid because it always seems like others earn more. I'm not sure if it's creating a sense of dissatisfaction where we are actually all really satisfied with our pay.
    I think my salary is perfectly OK for my work and our idustry.

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    Gehalt/SozialleistungenEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

    Natürlich gibt es nie eine Grenze nach oben....ich persönlich war zufrieden mit meinem Gehalt und es ist jeden Monat pünktlich auf dem Konto. Es werden verschiedene Sozialleistungen angeboten, die sehr attraktiv sind.

    Gehalt/SozialleistungenEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

    On par with other companies in the industry.

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