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Such a poker face they have

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.


Just do your job during the 8 hours you need to and just forget about it once you have free time. It is not worth it.


Factory is the typical dream job every one wants, since it looks so flexible, funny, challenging and professional. Once you are in, everything changes and you see how many things are wrong, how many fake promises and smiles work there.


The kommunikation is really bad. They have a really interesting tool, which is used by both members and employees but often it is not fully exploited.
Communication between the various departments often fails and causes problems with external customers. Furthermore, I was not able to express myself in the way I wanted, since I was continually diminished by my superior, who on the other hand, was a control freak and used it´s position to achieve its goals.


I loved my team and I was surrounded by enterprising, fresh and young people who motivated me to do the most out of it. Unfortunately my
my problem mainly concerns my superior and it's closest friends, which worked together to plot behind my back.


Nothing big to say about it, even if it was hard sometimes to manage shifts changes and adapt to the unexpected caused by illness or other events.


REALLY BAD EXPERIENCE. I had constantly the feeling of not being heard, of not being free to develop or do my job properly, even if I had much more experience in the company. Already mentioned everything above.

Interessante Aufgaben

I was always trying to manage problems and tasks of my team and department but this has never been appreciated.


It doesn´t exist. They always speak about how great the team is and how good we work but it is all fake. You can see it on meetings and celebrations, some are treated better than others, no idea why, I guess because of personal relations. This is what also cause me problems, since more people have turned against me since they were friends. I find this highly unprofessional. I also had friends on my team, they actually didn´t see me as their boss but always treated me with respekt and so did I, without making any differences between workes.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The whole team is pretty young. Of course "older" workers have more experience and try to stay out when it comes to parties or similar but it
does not create any unpleasant situation.


The working conditions weren't so bad, even though my department had the worse ones, being part of the service area. More than anything else our job was not appreciated; they always required flexibility and professionalism when the management and other departments did not really did not do their job. Only good point are the 28 days of vacation.


Always tried to bring some ideas and improvements concerning the environment and the social atmosphere. I was always said how good my ideas were but they were never supported until the end.


Salary could be raised a bit, taking into account all we do there.


It´s all a frame to show people how great Factory is, which it is actually a valid co-working space with an incredible concept behind it (thanks to the founders, who left). It is just run by wrong people.


I had a little promotion but a lot of other employe have been denied a promotion or the possibily to change department. They do not want people to grow, too scared to ruin the image of the company.
