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Working here sucks

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Geschäftsführung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Free Food

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Fake, Backstabbing, District Management, High Pressure, Politics.


If you don't care about the people who are doing the day to day business which is paying your salary, then you're in the wrong business. There are ways to run things and being completely blind to what is happening on a store level is the first step to screw everything up. And stop promoting everyone to managers! I can't believe I had to jump through so many hoops to become a manager and now people who have less talent than my little finger are becoming managers.

You keep telling yourself and others how great Five Guys is, but you have nothing to back it up.


How can you feel comfy and welcomed when you enter a restaurant and just see the red and white tiles? Add to that the superficial mannerism. In the beginning it's all like big family, we support each other, we have an open ear, honest communication... and once you're in, it's anything but that. So much politics, incompetent managers, high workload and super high staff fluctuations.


Depends on who you talk to. When they talk to you face to face, it's all good and we're all friends. But there's a lot of backstabbing. You can't trust the District Managers word and talking to higher management is not well received which is understandable but was communicated differently. Also the way managers in a store talk to each other is harsh and disrespectful. But that is different from store to store.


On my level, working with other managers from other stores was ok. When you would run out of stock, they would help you. But when you needed staff, it was very unreliable. They would send people and they constantly would call in sick after one or two days or work really shitty. I worked in a store, where Managers would constantly tell each other how bad the last shift was and they would take pictures of literally everything as proof. Like when I had closings, the next day the early shift manager would tell me how shitty the store looked. But when that manager has closings, it would even look worse. So it's a constant blame game. Almost every day!


Kinda given when you have a good General Manager. You can ask him for specific days off and because of the working times, you can have something from the day. But if you're unlucky, you have a GM who is almost never there and let's his Assistant Managers do all the work while he or she is busy working on "other projects". Shame that some District Manager see that and don't care.


In the beginning it's all good. But when it gets rough, you're on the chopping board faster that you can blink. And it doesn't matter if you're actually doing a good job. Say or do something they don't like, and they'll start to manipulate your career. They will do everything to keep you down and not give you what you deserve. Worse, they will get rid of you. Or can you imagine being a General Manager, training and teaching someone to become a new GM and just when that person gets certified, you'll get fired and that person takes over your store? Yes, that really happened at FG.

Interessante Aufgaben

Making Burgers and Fries is anything but interesting. Even when it's good quality.


Everyone is treated the same and everyone can be promoted. Latter one is actually a two bladed sword. Even when you're not qualified, you can become a manager here. They just need someone to do the dirty work and to blame so everyone is fine.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Everyone equal. You only get criticized when you're not performing. No matter the age.


Everything there you need to do your job. Though some equipment breaks easily.


No. Seriously, there's so much trash everyday. Nothing gets separated.


The only good thing here... Salary is good and you can get Secret Shopper bonuses. But don't count on that because it all depends on the performance. And better disregard the manager bonuses...they will try and not pay them by inventing some new rules or give you a warning. Once you get a warning, you can't get any bonus for that quarter or the year.


Whatever they sell you, it's not there. It's a business like any other and all they care about is money. Their 5 values are worth nothing.

Also, when you start, they show you pictures of higher management working in the stores and even help with cleaning - what a BS! They will never ever do that!


Always say yes and be a company person. Always suck it up to your District Manager. Always do whatever they ask you to even if it means you're working for 3 people and sacrificing your health. If you do that, you can climb the ladder easily.



Katharina HenningsRecruiter

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Kathi from your FIVE GUYS People-Team
