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If you only want to work your 40h, get your salary and go home ignoring every other aspect you can do it here :)

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Produktion gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

HO + cool Colleagues + Coffee

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

It seems to be a structural problem. The base seems to be unstable, therefore the whole building is balancing itself on one brick. The start-up grew up fast, but didn't have time to mature. Perhaps it is now the time to do so.


To clarify something, 3 starts are like my 0 (I don't have any opinion about it).
— They should make an effort to keep the good people.
— They should improve the whole communication framework.
— Make a plan in how to really improve the skills of your workers


Overall, it is not the best at the moment. However, if you keep your head down and do your work and talk with your colleagues, then it is nice. But don't try to think about it.


It could be better. The communication is slow, and it is mostly one way, leading to a non feedback situation and making many people unhappy. Perhaps gonna change at some point?


If you are in the right department then it is perfect


I'm happy with it. HO, Coffee and nice colleagues.


It can be good, it can be bad, but it is always a surprise. Of course, it depends on your department. :D

Interessante Aufgaben

Many and like always they depend on your department :D and what you like. My tasks are cool, but they don't add value to the company (my feeling about it), so yeah.


There are women in key positions, but I don't know anything else.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

I don't know, but my feeling about it is that there is no major respect there


My Equipment is good and I like it. However, our offices are not the brightest


Not really. But we as workers aren't pushing for it as well.


If you are a software/mechatronics developer then (maybe) is good. My salary is ok. If you compare with a IGM company then forget about it. It is bad.


Robotics is always a huge buzzword. In comparison, against other robotic companies, we are not the most well known one.


It is hard to say. You can change your department and the work you are doing (you will have to check with your supervisor). Maybe in the future?

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