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After Merger not to be recommended

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2016 bei Funding Circle Deutschland GmbH gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The new office

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

the fake values
that they have picked the people they fired in a mass firing process without any social plan
that they are super unstructured
bad communicators


Live up to your values and be real
invest in communication


Due to the big firing wave it is super weird being there - the atmosphere is far from being nice. They are trying with sponsoring parties and the like - but that only helps in the moment. They've been trying to introduce values, but this is actually all just a big show - nothing real behind - so be carefull


Communication has gotten worse and worse - as there is little investment and structure here, which you need with such massive growth. Also unhappy people communicate less and worse...


The colleagues are negatively influenced by UK FC Members unfortunately. And in this bad times want to save their job, which is understandable. In former times the team was absolutely great - when we had no such worries stabbing our backs.


Dramatically changed after Zencap merged with FC.

Interessante Aufgaben

the interesting tasks are definitely there. Yet as everybody is so unhappy there right now, the attitude towards working there changed so much, that it also has a negative influence on tasks.


The office is new and super nice no doubt. They've invested a high 6 digit amount. But if the team had known that so many people we gonna be let go, they probably would have skipped the stylish office and had happily remained in schreiberhauer str.


Especially the old employees, who build the zencap company with all their efforts are still paid like it was a startup. they new entrees get much more compared and do not neccessarily have more experience. This makes appreciation even worse. super disappointing.


They still have a good image towards outside. People are still very loyal, although they have such treatment. This may be a matter of time.


There is nothing done in this education / training area. They always have promised, but never done anything, which makes it even worse.



Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

