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Weird Votings

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement bei Gameforge in Karlsruhe gearbeitet.


So.. I had a feedback talk with my boss. I have been here for almost 2 years now and have been telling her, how happy I am at Gameforge and the benefits we get. She then mentioned the kununu ratings. I have not heard of kununu before, must be a German thing. I google translated some.. some people must be working in a different world. Yes, we work in a project based environment. Yes, that means that we do have to track efforts, yes, it means at the end of the project you get some more stress. However, the way we deal with stress here is always empathic and friendly. A yelling boss? Unheard of. Learning from a mistake instead of getting fired? Sure thing. I mean look at some of the reviews. Always the same cake. Only 500 Euros bonus for all. Just an IPad, XBox, Switch or a PS5. Take a look around in the real world.


There is a lot of information available in confluence, jira or mails. Even better, if you lack something, you can always ask. Even the C-level guys always replied to my questions. This is not something that can be taken for granted.


My boss forced me to take my vacation. Germany has quite a bit of paid Vacation leave (on top of paid sick leave!). The 40hrs/ week is flexible, Sometimes I work 10hrs, and then only 6.


a third of the company is female, we do have a small gay community.. nobody cares, you do your job, you are respected.


To protect us we have been in home office since March. We are allowed to work in the office as well though, but most of us stay home.


Just yesterday we sponsored a charity stream, last year we started a "go green" Initiative changing to organic fairtrade tea and coffee as well as organic fruits. Our breadrolls are done by a company that employs only disabled people. Whe someone asked, why we did not switch to power from renewable energy sources the answer was "we have been using renewable power only for years now"


My salary is industry standard, the benefist are above.


Free2play is always tricky, there are alway people complaining about pay2win features. However, Gameforge has no hidden fees, you always know if you are spending real money and what for you spend it.
On the employer side, I have heard nothing bad. Telling people in pubs that I work for Gameforge is mostly followed by a wow, cool.



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