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Projects don´t make up for the bad leadership

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

As mentioned, the projects can be interesting. The field of sustainability assessment is growing and provides many opportunities, and GreenDelta is surely a good and internationally known address here. Further, the colleagues are nice and make it all bearable.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The job could be nice but the management is highly unorganized, micro-managing, socially awkward, with sometimes very unprofessional and threatening behaviour towards some employees. Employees regularly pay for the lack of organization of the management. The fluctuation is a clear indicator for this.


The best option would be if the management would switch from the leader position to sth like a technical director position which might allocate talents better.


There is a friendly atmosphere between colleagues. When the management is in the place, it´s a very anxious atmosphere, though. Team events are very rarely taking place and are usually not supported by the management. You´re asked to give a lot for the company (strict loyalty, working more than agreed) but you´re not compensated for it


Among colleagues very trustful and nice. Communication with management is really bad (except for job interviews and meetings with most clients). Two small examples: Employees´ exits are not commented; when starting a task, not all needed information available is provided; Some employees can deal well with that, though.


All colleagues are very nice but there is not really a team spirit as usually you´re working on your own


The average workload is always a bit too much but usually okay. The problem is that sometimes you´re asked to do a task really spontaneously and you´re expected to do it quickly even though it´s not feasible without staying late. It doesn´t happen often but I was working on some weekends already (overtime is not paid btw and it´s difficult to take holidays with this overtime, even though not impossible). Homeoffice became easier with Corona but is still not fully respected and sometimes "socially sanctioned"


The management seems friendly and can be friendly indeed; but it can also be very mean and manipulative towards employees. Employees often have to pay for the lack of organisation and leadership

Interessante Aufgaben

As long as you´re allowed to work in the projects you like (which is not the case for everyone), the projects are very interesting. Further, you get responsibility from the beginning which is a unique opportunity especially for young employees


I have never observed anything other than equality


Many employees have to literally build up their own desk at their first day in the office; IT equipment is not always up-to-date, you literally need to justify everything you´d like to have (as headphones); the rooms usually have space for 5 people which is fine


The company is obviously working in sustainability assessment. The own behavior is not exceptional but okay


The salary is not high but okay - but development stagnates; The management likes to use bonus payments but you rely to some extent to the capriciousness of the management


The image to the outside world is good I think. Providing an open source software and being active in sustainability assessment are good reasons for this; Also, the management likes to seem a little bit "unconventional" and promotes this attitude


You rely heavily on the management here: Are you provided time to self-teach things/ dive into new topics? External trainings are not supported

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