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Perfect job if you don't have ambitions

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2021 im Bereich IT bei Haiilo gearbeitet.


Work on a product strategy and follow through on it. Don't always do 1:1 what your customers ask for and don't follow every sale. Focus on telling a coherent story instead.

Share less of your marketing mumbo-jumbo on LinkedIn and instead make sure you and your product stand for something and have meaning.

Hire senior people in low- to mid-level management positions from _outside_. You seriously need a breath of fresh air and people who disrupt the culture.


There were significant layoffs middle of 2022. More and more people leave the company on their own behalf. It's apparent how many new joiners leave within their first year.

The company takes partying really seriously, but it would help if they had the same passion and skills in their product and values. The bar is the company's holy grail and they take great pride in it, but who needs a bar when the work is so little fun that you don't like to go to the office anyway?
Most people who stay do so because their friends are there. Hardly anyone is there because of the work.


It's mostly okay within your own team. Across departments there's quite little exchange and differing goals. Considering the company is not so big, this is more complex than it should be.


It always felt a bit like a school yard to me. There are the cool kids who like to party and have been at Haiilo for several years. And then there's everyone else. People generally don't talk to you or notice you much when you're new or they don't know you. You have to try really hard to become part of the group. Never before or after have I felt as unwelcome.


You can do the bare minimum and stay afloat. You'll be rewarded with a beer at the bar.


Significant layoffs in 2022 were very poorly communicated. At the same time, the management changed entirely – I think and hope for the better.

The old management had their own strong vision of the company and people were not hired to challenge or disrupt things, but to fall in line and execute.

The majority of the middle management levels are inexperienced and haven't been outside the company for a long time. They probably mean good, but don't necessarily do good. If that doesn't change, the company will keep stewing in it's own juice.

Interessante Aufgaben

The tasks could be really cool if there was something like a proper product strategy. Instead, it was always about executing on customer feedback and working on gaining new clients.
And even then, the pace in the Product & Tech departments was super slow. I've been at the company for roughly a year and we barely shipped anything significant during that time.


Nothing to complain. The company cares about it, appointed an (inofficial) Chief Diversity Officer. Tech is of course male-dominated, but that's an industry problem.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

As usual in tech companies, there aren't too many older people.


Same as diversity, the company cares a lot about sustainability.


Ok, but nothing special.






Haiilo's People & Culture Team


Thank you for your feedback! We really appreciate the time you took to elaborate on the things that you have experienced during your time at Haiilo. We know we still have a long way to g(r)o(w) as a company. We are driven by the passion we all have for our products and our own internal communication is going to be something we absolutely will focus on in the future.

If there is anything else you'd like to share with us, feel free to approach us directly.

We wish you all the best for your future endeavours!
