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The most employee-manipulative company in Berlin by 3 CEO that never worked before with a Know-it all attitude

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei HOLY in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The coffee machine that we had to fight for because one of the CEOs couldn't tolerate that we drink coffee in the office. Knowing that it's by law a right but we hide it for everyone.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

Honestly beside the offices being in Mitte, everything is to change :D


Proposals :
- The CEOs have to stop being so egoistic and manipulative of their employees
- Taking the employees for granted is not the solution, the market conditions can change and it's a matter of time, people will be floocking away
- Be more geniune, the fake discussion you are having with your colleagues are not going to make them happy. ACTS COUNT MORE THAN WORDS.


In the company, we moved from a startup to a scale up company where at 50 employees we wanted to structure and have a levelling framework. Although that process was never initiated or explained but it was enforced to everyone.
Some people are being demoted and most employees are unhappy because the criteria of levelling are "NON ROLE Agnostic", knowing that we have some departments that are very sales driven and still the CEOs want to put in the head of those employees "Because most of them are juniors", that the company is not a sales company.
The manipulation of the CEOs is on high level, where they plan before hand the final outcome and try to bring people on their side "Divide to conquer" - Which rightfully worked at the beginning because the employees where not communicating between them and their is always that fear but now people are more aware.
Just be careful if you are applying to this company, because they will sell you the idea that it's the best startup in Berlin but actually it's only toxicity, you will get.


There is this fake sketch where the CEO try to make you feel that you are heard but all the decisions have been taken beforehand and the margin of manoeuvre is 1% and you have to sweat blood for it.
My manager most of the time is being imposed a lot of orders that he cannot change even though he wants to improve a lot of things and comes with good initiatives.
Communication is not clear and not transparent even though it's pretended that all the information in given.
When those mistakes are made, CEOs just take another decision and pretend that what happened before is not existing or invite everyone for Bowling or Workation and expect people to forget.
Typical Berlin toxic relationship


Most people around are juniors, so we are very lost because we don't know our rights. The HR is the CEOs puppet and he is also dictated what to say and what not. No employee rights sessions have been made until now.

The other people are either the CEOs friends hired/fired from the same university #WHU for a reason that they cannot handle someone with more experience than them probably.


More stress, more anxiety every quarter is a new process to discover. We add to our plates every time new tasks that are not reflected in our salaries because of the following excuse "LEVELLING FRAMEWORK" is not based on your performance but our objectives keep increasing month by month but we are not compensated on them because we "ARE NOT A SALES" company and we don't have to feel empowered by our work because everyone is "REPLACABLE"

Additionnally, over time is not compensated, we do it for "the LOVE OF HOLY" and we get a sticker at the end of the quarter. #stopthebs


One is a big manipulator and doesn't care about his team while pretending to be nice.
The other one is socially awakward, you cannot have a geniune conversation. The ones I had with him during the parties, I always felt unsafe and prefered to finish the discussion.
There is a Bro culture between the CEOs where women are just objectivized and you can see it in there eyes and there jokes they make and giggle about them.

Interessante Aufgaben

The best part is that there are a lot of projects because the community is so fan of the product and love it, thanks to the customer support people and the community manager we have in germany.


Equal rights is something to be discussed, there are always deals behind the table for some people and not others. I wonder what it is to be done to get those special treatments. On the bright side, the comsuption of the products is a company benefit, so we are grateful for it. I hope they don't make us pay for them.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Average age is 27-28, it's worrying how such a young guys can make such a company toxic.


We have good work conditions, nobody complaints that's a lot to ask for. we blessed.


We are so aware of the social impact and the environmental, as our company makes sure that we don't pollute.


Apparently we are using some software to benchmark the salary, but nobody has access to it besides the CEOs, HR and an FA. Many people asked to have more visibility on that unfortunately we should just trust and go blindly with what they give us. We blessed, thanks ma' sir

Other than that. Salaries are very low even though the company is profitable, we don't have any monetary benefit because we don't deserve them maybe or we don't work hard enough to make the company profitable.

No Inflation bonus
No Christmas money
Delulu is the solulu.


All the teams have worked so hard to make the image of the company outside very good.


Well it's the heavy topic now, where if you want to grow in the company, climbing the Everest is the first challenge. after that you should accomplish 2 marathons under 2hrs, or you are not the right employee for HOLY and you should go look somewhere else because we love our people, look at them no one has left the company yet.

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