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Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich



Where to start? It anyway doesn't matter because nobody listens. If they make surveys they actually give us a feeling that the results of the surveys are not true. If management doesn't agree with the results nothing gets improved.


From outside it looks like a happy family but once you start working there you realize that almost nobody is happy, there is no work-life balance and people slowly start not to care. People come and go, there was recently a wave of several people who left at the similar time which says a lot about this company


There is some kind of communication but it goes through many different channels and not everyone is updated at the same time. As there are almost no written processes (yet) some people are doing what they think is the best, and the rest of us have to correct their mistakes.


Colleagues are mostly against each other and talking behind each other's back, which is very sad considering this is a small company which is trying to have family-like atmosphere. Open fights are not unusual but not often either. Unfortunately, team spirit cannot be forced.


Work life balance doesn't exist at all. People are working additional hours without being paid and if someone wants to leave on time he is seen as a bad guy. The motto of the company is that the time taken to finish the task doesn't matter, it's important that the task gets done. But when you are overloaded with tasks there is no way to leave on time. Those who stay will eventually get higher bonus than the ones who went home at the end of their shift.


Management is trying to involve everyone into decision making process, not realizing that not everyone has the knowledge, interest or skills to do so. Very often management is against each other or telling different stories and the rest of the company doesn't understand what needs to be done and how. The goals are not set, and even if they are, they are most of the time unrealistic (for example, we need to answer customer's emails within 2 hours, which is not anyhow realistic and certainly not the case in other companies). Nobody understands where we are headed, we only work day by day without clear guidelines, procedures..there is nothing, so everyone can do what they please.

Interessante Aufgaben

Everybody is doing everything and it's one big chaos. You are asked to do things that are not anyhow part of your job and for which you don't have adequate skills.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

People are usually welcomed and accepted into a group from the beginning. Everyone hangs out together which is nice and positive. When it comes to promotion, older colleagues get promoted based on the fact that they are longer in the company and not based on their skills, which leaves the rest of us unhappy, especially if we also worked hard and have better skills. Bear in mind that the company exists for a bit more than a year, if you don't count the owner and few colleagues who started the company with him some years before (but they are already on higher positions anyway, again, not based on their skills). so even being longer in the company means that someone is there only few months more.


This needs to improve as well. For a long time the office is cramped, there is no space for new people, IT system isn't working properly, computers and systems are crashing often and even the printer (there is only one!) works sporadically. Software that is used is difficult and not user friendly. Company is trying to improve this, but maybe they should have invested more money in the beginning instead of wasting it on things that don't work and buying new ones now.


Company is trying to do some social projects, but in my opinion they should better focus on other things and do this when the company is running smoothly.


People are actually overpaid. Unbelievable but true. For the positions that they do most of them are overpaid if compared to other Berlin companies. They try to motivate people by good salary and contract but that unfortunately doesn't make employees loyal if every day they come to work they feel undervalued, exhausted and their day is ruined.


As mentioned before, it all seems perfect on the outside and during the interview, but actually is not working at all, it's chaotic and people are leaving often.


There are possibilities (not many of course as it is a small company) but older colleagues get it simply based on the time they spent in the company. There is no interview process, we just hear one day that from certain date our colleague X will get a higher position/move to another department.



Elisa Simeoni, Talent Manager
Elisa SimeoniTalent Manager

Thank you for taking the time to write this review and we are sorry to hear that we couldn´t give you the environment you´re looking for in a company. We are always looking to evolve and improve, so we take your feedback as an opportunity to reflect and think about ways we can adapt and what we can do better to ensure you and others feel more valued and appreciated.

We are working very hard to create a company where people are valued and feel empowered to succeed and grow and we are sorry to hear that your experience at i-surance didn´t match our intention of being one of the best possible companies to work for.

We are growing very fast and this means also to add complexity to our organization, nevertheless we try to keep the focus on our team members, always making the wellbeing of our employees our highest priority.
We value and consider all your feedback and will continue to find ways to improve but we would like to address a couple of your concerns.

By definition we are adverse to bureaucracy and we prefer to rely on common sense rather than having scripts for everything, however with the increasing size of our company the creation of a more structured environment with clearer structure and guidelines becomes necessary. We are putting a lot of efforts into it and will continue to push forward.

People´s growth has always been the center of our attention and we support it, honoring commitment and “extra-mile” attitude. We invest in our talents giving them the possibility to shape our future. We focus on making people grow internally rather than looking outside the company.

We are thankful that you took the time to share your opinion and for your advice. We very much appreciate your honesty and we will continue to find ways to improve.
