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Derzeit haben wir für dieses Profil noch keine Gehaltsdaten.
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Wie fair wirst du bezahlt?

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Kommentare zum Gehalt aus unseren Bewertungen

Hier sind die neuesten Kommentare zum Thema Gehalt aus unseren Arbeitgeberbewertungen.

Gehalt/SozialleistungenEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

people doing nothing may get paid better than you even if you spend your nights in the office doing THEIR job

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Gehalt/SozialleistungenEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

Salaries varied wildly depending on how management felt about what you did. If management thought your job was important, you could be quite well paid. Upper management thought the most important department was sales, and these people should make the most money. It didn't matter if that was not the case in the market, for example, or if there were other departments much more essential to the functioning of the company - management thought sales was of the utmost importance and you were gonna earn much less than them, that's it. Even if you have more experience, more technical knowledge, a PhD, whatever. If they didn't really care much for what you did, then you'd be earning peanuts. And forget any sort of transparency or fairness: two people could be doing the same thing, in the same teams, and be earning completely different salaries. And everyone was terrified of asking for raises.

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Gehalt/SozialleistungenAngestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

Very little for a lot of stress.. :(

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Gehalt/SozialleistungenAngestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

Good paying

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Gehalt/SozialleistungenAngestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

Way better than in other similar companies.

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Gehalt/SozialleistungenEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

Man ist sich nicht sicher, ob das Gehalt am nächsten 1, da ist.

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