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    Kommentare zum Gehalt aus unseren Bewertungen

    Hier sind die neuesten Kommentare zum Thema Gehalt aus unseren Arbeitgeberbewertungen.

    Gehalt/SozialleistungenEx-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/in

    Keylane offered a certain salary + 425 Euros/Bahncard 100 in the initial offer.
    In the documentation that followed, this was then lowered to Salary + 225 Euros/Bahncard 100. I opted for the Bahncard 100, for which we were discouraged and forced to choose 225 Euros. To discourage further, they made it subject to long justification and bureaucratic process. After six months, only one colleague got it.

    Since Corona started in March, this too was taken away, even though the company kept boasting their record profits during that time.

    The overall salary package is far lower than the industry standards, however using clever sales tactics they mislead their prospective employees.

    It starts with an extremely low salary which increases after 2 and 6 months. They try to sell it as if they offered a big raise for every milestone, however they save a lot of money on the overall annual salary.

    The company set me free at the end of August and told me that my individual productivity has been zero. Hence, I would also not receive any bonus. Contrarily my last years productivity was measured to be 93%.

    This goes to show to what extent they to earn profits.

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