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Ship is already sunken

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

some colleagues were really nice

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

look above. nothing to add here


Ship is already sunken. Changes, not mistakes, had to be made 3-5 years ago. Now it's to late, especially as they had a mass dismissal recently I heard. Pity, as potential was there but no management who is willing to do something out of it


Management has their favorites can do what they want without any consequences. Words from other employees are often not heard. Overall a demotivating environment. Only bright spot were some good colleagues


transparency is preached but in truth a lot happens behind closed doors and behind employees' backs


Was good at least in my team. In other teams colleagues partially worked against each other and also against other departments. Certainly also due to the fact that company is generally understaffed


In general good balance and you have some freedom. But you have to take care of yourself otherwise there is a high risk of burnout


The supervisor hardly spoke up for the team and the status of the team in the company. Also many other leads and directors are not qualified for the job as they don't have any lead skills, lack of knowledge they're responsible for or even doesn't know what a team is working on. Also some supervisor are taking more care during core working time for their privat projects instead of trying make Ladenzeile successful.

Interessante Aufgaben

Often every day the same and too much of it as company is understaffed. Sometimes you get new 'high prio' tasks on top from so called growth team which are completely useless in the end.


You're better person if you're speaker (doesn't matter if it's full of content or just bla bla). You lost in case you have a different opinion than the management.


Outdated buggy tools, an noisy office without meeting rooms and cheap laptops just good enough to do simple work with


There are some charity events, mostly organized by employees. So far as I remember there were no iniatives from management regarding environmental awareness. Fast fashion gets tolerated on the platform


It's more a joke than so called "industry standard". Also a weird salary structure as some with low work quality get more than twice than other. Bürgergeld is an lucrative alternative for an simple manager.


Internally almost no one takes this company seriously. Externally marketing wise it's a complete fail. There is no willingness to do something positive for the image.


If you're an employee, take all trainings you can get. Axel Springer offer many (But I heard they are not available for Ladenzeile Employess anymore?!). To have a career you should search an other company

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