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If this is your idea of a five star employer, I feel sorry for you

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

As long as you can tolerate your team lead, you will have a solid buffer between you and upper management. The office space is attractive and the work equipment is good. Systems such as Trello and Slack work effectively enough in terms of keeping everyone on the same page re: what has been published, etc.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The company was founded to make as much money as possible and editorial standards are nonexistent. However, the company management are very thin-skinned about this, so don't bring it up. Fake smiles are expected. "We like happy employees." This will be repeated ad nauseam.


Implement management/leadership training to adopt modern management techniques and philosophies. Learn to listen to your employees or at least give them the opportunity to express their concerns anonymously. Don't treat every critical observation as an attack on the company. Try being a bit more self-aware. When everyone is standing around clapping awkwardly at your company announcement, they really are only doing it because it is expected, not because they are genuinely enthused.


Friendly colleagues in the international teams. The German team and international teams don't really mix. The German team is undoubtedly happier in their work, since they have more creative freedom and determine the majority of the content. Everyone else just translates and recycles the German content, so it's obviously less satisfying.


Truly terrible. The leadership are completely inaccessible to the average employee. In need of constant ego-stroking, they have surrounded themselves by yes men/women who carry out their bidding without question. Criticism - even when constructive and well-intended - is thoroughly rejected. Once you dare to open your mouth you will be marked as a trouble maker. Those who are silent and smile and clap robotically when the bosses make an announcement will do well here.


There is a bid divide between the German team and the international employees. But you'll find very little conflict finds its way to the surface. Those who have survived the longest have learned to stay silent.


It's mindless work. It doesn't pile up when you're away, and no one will hassle you outside of working hours. If you're looking for a relatively stress free 9 to 5 job that doesn't follow you around, this place is ok. As long as you don't have any sort of conscience about publishing sexist, racist, deceptive content, you'll do fine.


Only smiling robots are promoted to positions of authority. Which is a lucky thing, because anyone with the remotest instinct for leadership would tear their hair out in frustration. A manager in this company is only there to carry out the detailed orders of the CEOs. No strategic input, no managerial freedom. Just following orders.

Interessante Aufgaben

If you find photos of people with skin diseases and mangy street dogs interesting, than yeah, go for it. This is the absolute rock bottom of clickbait factories. Spend some time on their facebook pages. If you think you can stand processing that content day after day - while breathing not a word out loud in criticism of said content - then you are Media Partisans' dream employee.


While there are a fair number of female managers at this company, anyone who feels strongly about respect for women will be very uncomfortable with the sexist nature of much of the content.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are nice people who work here, but you have to wonder about anyone who can stomach this sort of position long-term.


Salary and benefits are very good considering how easy the work is.


This company is interested in one thing and one thing only: clicks. So if a story will generate a lot of online debate (not necessarily the healthy, informed kind), they're more than happy to publish it - factually correct or not. Typical topics include: people with diseases/ deformities, the joy of being a housewife, problem pregnancies, women proud of their stretchmarks, fake health news (i.e. how the size of your big toe determines your personality), food videos with melted cheese, sappy/sentimental religious stories (claims of visits to heaven, etc.), rescued animals, and zit-popping videos. There's more, but you get the idea.


The pay is acceptable for what is expected of you.


You'll be very happy that you don't have to put your name on any articles you write.


Opportunities for yes-men. All others will have none, particularly if you are a critical thinker.

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