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Good intentions, a lot of changes

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei medneo GmbH in Berlin gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

There are many women in the company! Some in leadership roles and not just HR. Unfortunately, not so many in IT any more, but it is great to see nevertheless. Also, people are really friendly and supportive. Many are now friends.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

A lot of good intentions with bad execution. Everything is urgent. Trying to be everything to everyone. Confusing and unclear communication. That said, they are aware of all of that, so it might change in the future.


Leaders at medneo would benefit from communicating more directly about things. There is this fear that if they say things the way they are, people will leave, so they try to make it sound nice and positive. Also, the people team need to hire people with expertise in organizational change and internal communication.


It is amazing how many great people work at medneo. People are generally extremely nice, full of good intentions and willingness to help. However, with the pandemic, move to home-office and recent strategic changes the company is going through, most people are in the dark. People are very gossipy and frustrated with the changes. The lack of clear communication creates a lot of fear.


People at medneo tend to focus on the "good" and dismiss complaints about the "bad". There are many changes happening in the background that are not communicated because of commercial sensitivity.


We used to be really close and have a great sense of teamwork. Now when people work from home and things are changing, it is hard to feel this way.


A lot of flexibility. Sometimes work is too much due to being understaffed, but it wasn't always this way


There are some great managers and some inexperienced ones. It depends on who is your manager. I think most managers try to do their best, but most of them are good operational people rather than people's people.

Interessante Aufgaben

Sometimes we get interesting challenges. The changes in strategy, current IT and lack of clarity led to a lot of manual unclear tasks and over-scoped, unrealistic projects.


Uneven information.. a lot of gossip and people who are friends with the right people get more things done

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Age doesn't matter


HQ1 is not meant to be an office. Bad noise filtering and meeting rooms are not noise proof, so one can hear everything - no privacy. Also, not a good fit for people with disabilities because the elevator goes to the 4th floor and one has to use the stairs to the 5th floor.
Beautiful terrace at the 5th floor tho!

HQ2 is awful, and it is great news that it was cancelled

Good handling of the home-office situation, allowing people to work hybrid, motivating them to work from home and offer them packages to rent rooms in different coworking areas


I'm unfamiliar with what we do for social causes


Salaries are lower than market, but also the company was not doing well to give raises. This will hopefully improve in the upcoming years.


I don't think we have an image. Most people I know don't know about medneo. There is a lot of room for better employee branding.


Depends on one's role. However, a lot of changes in the structure are coming up, and new opportunities will arise for sure.
