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Run away - Burnout - Excessive workload - Micromanagement

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

-You will get burnout within a couple of months in
-The massive workload does not allow you to even think straight
-There is no company culture, they put colleagues against each other and make them work on extra competitive goals
-The reviews that are positive are not real - See the negatives
-Because of the home office, people are being micromanaged and the time is being abused. This would mean if we would be in an office, we would be living in the office 24/7


The workload is huge, you definitely need to work at least 12 hours per day in order to keep up to the expectations. Probably if you are new to the industry you will learn what is meant to be learned within years in just a couple of months but this means you will not have a life and be always working.


Communication is horrible. Everyone is doing their thing. The company is being lead by the culture of the fear, like traditional American companies, where you are not heard or valuable and they just want results and results. They track absolutely every move you make! Micromanagement at its best. Here you are just a number and you need to work your ass off you at least receive a little bit of acknowledgment.


The company puts the colleagues against each other, you need to work towards your goals and if this means you need to go over your colleagues to accomplish that, then people do it. There is no sense of team because everyone has so much pressure to deliver and they can just think about themselves.


Work life balance? In this company that doesn't exist. One of their "benefits" is an urban sports club membership that you cannot use because you literally you do not have time for it.
Your day is
1. wake up
2. start working until 8pm - when you are lucky (try to fit your meals while working because you cannot even take a pause for eating)
3 Sleep and get messages during the night about all the things you need to do tomorrow that have literally a 4 hour deadline.
and start again.
Weekends the same. You will always feel pressured 24/7.


numbers numbers numbers. We are just expected to always work, always hit the targets, take what it takes. You are just a money machine and you better work!

Interessante Aufgaben

You need to take over the tasks of the other people that are leaving. At the end you are in loads of projects at the same time and you are still expected to deliver your best!

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are no older colleagues! We are working more than 12 hours per day. There is no way that anyone could survive this workload for more than a year. People are not even completing their probezeit because in a couple of months they are burnout!


No amount of money can compensate for this toxic work culture, micromanagement, over hours and lack of work life balance


A lot of people do not want to continue to collaborate with the brand because it has already saturated the market. Which makes the work even more difficult.


