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1 Bewertung von Bewerbern

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If you apply for the job in Germany then do not be surprised when you get NO from Kearney HR from the Danemark office

Bewerber/inHat sich 2022 als Assosiate Consultant beworben und eine Absage erhalten.


If you reject the candidate then it would be polite to write an email from the German office. It is quite annoying to get an email from an HR Manager from another country and even from another company. In my case, it was an email sent by the HR team from Kearney with the Danish ending (Med venlig hilsen).

Moreover, I applied for one position but somehow I was considered for another position. I was not aware of that and I did not give any permission for that.

Also, I was asked if I was born in Germany. This is sensitive information that people do not always want to share in the first 5 minutes of the interview.

Even when I asked the HR manager to explain why this situation happened, I got no explanation.


Sie sind in Deutschland nicht geboren, stimmt das?

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