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A sinking ship - a good team is left to drown

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-FührungskraftHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr für dieses Unternehmen gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The people are a charm - because of the circumstances everyone worked hard to save the sinking ship, which wields the company together

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

* investors are doing micromanagement which hinders change and is starving the company
* new management is going on holiday as second action instead of fixing the ship. This shows a lack of urgency and is a slap into the face of the employees not gone yet.
* new management missed the chance of building trust. Instead it's carrying on with non-transparency of terminations, hiring policies or financial status.
* contract issues are always solved in the worst possible way for employees. You have to use a lawyer to get your legal rights.


become a contemporary company - apply a modern culture of work and treat the employees as people, not resources - it's the only way to save the ones which have not left yet


* too much work for too few people
* worries of employees are not taking seriously
* people get the feeling of just working so the investors can do the exit, but no to grow as a company
* most long time employees (+2 years) have left and people usually don't stay longer then a year
* top down-mentality


* communication works most of the times in the departments, but not across the departments.
* the company is structured on three silos instead of one team, which fosters segregation
* "Not my department" mentality has been improved, but is still heavily woven into the company and its products and services


* colleagues work together where possible and have a good climate
* mostly trustful and friendly interactions
* as always, there are some bad apples on the tree


* heavily depends on the type of job
* over hours are expected
* remote work has been abolished recently
* people with family can mostly adjust their schedule to fit family needs


* leadership worked more as wrong-way-drivers then leading
* suggestions for improvement are dismissed
* even investors were disappointed by management skills
* non-transparency is a key tool
* people providing feedback are less favored compared to "silent ones"
* unwanted employees are actively driven out
* understanding of the high tech/people/organizational-debt is rising too slowly

Interessante Aufgaben

* strategy shift caused many interesting topics to be dropped (but it was necessary to do so)
* topics are centered around repairing a sinking ship, so it can stay barely afloat and not being agents of change
* obvious contemporary or modern solutions require too much time to adapt and/or are dismissed as too expensive


* new CEO is female, a sign for change
* amount of women is increasing
* very international team


* everybody gets a MacBook (can be good or bad, depending on department)
* new office offers space for everyone
* nice terrace for after work beer


* trash separation
* in the old days the company looked for green IT, now it's only "the cheapest wins"


* no competitive salary
* salary raises are a joke (either non-existent or way below inflation)
* salary split between C-Level and rest of company is way to high and nowhere justified

* 27 days of holiday


* training budget depends on the department
* career opportunities depend on department

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen



People & CulturePeople & Culture

Thank you very much for your feedback, we are always open to listen, learn and improve. It is a great shame that this feedback was not shared directly with us as you left the team rather shared here. However, regardless, we are thankful for the feedback and wanted to provide some thoughts to your feedback and hopefully clear a few topics up in the process.

It does appear that there is a mix of topics here regarding pervious management structures/approaches and new management approaches. We have recently brought in a new CEO, CTO and CFO to support in the transformation of the company. Realizing culture is required to be at the centre of this transformation we are working hard to rebuild the team, values, behaviors and culture. We all need to play a part in this change, this includes making some changes as to how we work, how we communication, providing transparency as to where we are heading, building relationships across functions and teams, creating team leveling guides, competitive salary bands, looking into hybrid work vs purely remote (as we firmly believe this will support us in building our new culture and aiding in building our relationships).

We are as you saw at the end of your time with us, creating a new focused strategy. We did this with as a team, to ensure we listened and understood the previous challenges, the opportunities and create alignment in where we are heading. This was and will continue to be iterated upon and shared in a transparent manner to enable all to understand the future approach. From strategy we moved into what actions we need to take to realise our goals and bring our strategy to life. We created project plans by team, creating linkages across teams so we know who is involved, what the approach is and how we will achieve what we have set out to achieve. This once it is ready will be shared with the teams, so we are all marching to the same beat. This has all been created with the team, not with our shareholders. Our shareholders are highly supportive of our journey to change and see the value in what we are doing and the bright future we have.

Change is hard, absolutely, but we know creating a culture of working together, an aligned plan, empowering our team members to achieve their goals in an open transparent manner is the way forward.

We wish you all the very best for your future.
