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Good place to blast the software development career at.

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich IT gearbeitet.


I can't think of a single instance where it is negative in any way.


Short and mid-term communication is very well figured out. Although the requests/issues/questions that should be resolved over longer period of time see just a partial success. And the latter might be just an impression due to lack of feedback for example.


Everybody is everyone's friend. I did not see a single instance of a serious conflict.


Never expected to do overtime. Requests (!) to do some always are accompanied with the proposal to take some time off later on (usually right on the next week).


Won't point fingers here :) Could be improved, no problem whatsoever if it stays as it is.

Interessante Aufgaben

It depends on the variety of factors. 3 here is not signifying bad things, but rather "as it is expected - not bad, not good". If you're starting your career, then read it as 5 though. If there's some experience behind your shoulders, then it's normal.


This section of rating is quite political and we're rating a business as employer - it should not be expected to treat people equally. I just put 5 so that the overall rating average gets higher.


I've seen some comedy in a good sense of this word. Overall impression is that it's fair enough as long as one knows their own worth.


Great at starting points (working students) for getting good fast. For full-time employees it looks like there's not many career / skill building paths that make sense. But hey - it's not a corp. Checkout the webpage and see what you'll be working with and if it's interesting.


