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Average company

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

technology-driven company with a great bott-up culture

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

unequal career development paths and lack of management skills


more transparency and continuity on strategy and company path. hire real leaders with experience. focus on the right things that bring value.


nice and friendly working spirit among the project teams. virtually no extra time needed, very untypical for the industry.


communication and team work among the project teams are very good. Decisions from management are intransparent and lead to confusion.


depending on the colleauges, but generally high readiness to help each other out.


Home office is considered negative. trust seems to be a problem there. on the other hand, working hours and vacation times are absolutely fine.


little transparency on company strategy. many policies to regulate a wannabe startup character. unfortunately, no policy on trust and open communication. clear lack of leadership skills

Interessante Aufgaben

topics are great for new SAP stack, but also innovative web technologies and trends from the field of data science, ar, vr and voice


women have a harder time than men in comparable positions.


Open office spaces are ok. many places where you can withdraw from hectic project work


some csr activities going on. metal capsules for coffee machines. average I would say


average in industry


company is considered more innnovative from the outside than it is in real.


career path is determined by years of company adherence above all. kind of a closed circle who is destined to move upwards.

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HR Team

Dear colleague,

Thank you for reviewing sovanta as an employer. We are glad that you are so happy with your tasks, working conditions and the good cooperation between colleagues. However, we are sorry that you are not satisfied with some aspects. Nevertheless, we were a little bit surprised to read your comment about equality. Generally and above all, we place a great emphasis on equal opportunities and strictly monitor compliance with equal rights of all kinds of gender. Therefore, we would like to invite you to address your concerns and suggestions to hr@sovanta.com.

We are glad to have you in our team and looking forward to keep on working with you!
