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It's a trap

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Marketing / Produktmanagement gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The products. They were super nice.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

See above.


Think twice before you hire people. They might actually KNOW better than you.


Sterile. Everything felt forced (e.g. team lunches). Typical Berlin "start-up" atmosphere where people think that extra ice cream makes people stay longer and attend meetings after core working times.


What a terrible terrible mess that was. Neither colleagues, nor the superiors were able to communicate properly – neither with each other, nor with you. Priorities were shifting all the time, it was impossible to actually work on them; typical top down mentality: If the powers that be tell you to do stuff you gotta do it, no matter if it's emotion driven, illogical or not.


People pretended to care, but actually they didn't.


Worst work life balance I've seen for a long time. People circled around the office forever and still attended happily at every meeting, even if that meant to stay until 9pm or longer. At least we got ice cream, right?


All smiles and sunshine upfront, but actually pretty much just backstabbing. I was lied to from the very beginning, be kept in the dark when it came to the next steps; feedback meetings were silly and I was pretty much the only one giving the feedback that was "kindly" greeted with open arms, but it made no effect anyway.

Interessante Aufgaben

Must admit, the tasks I had were very exciting and I had truly the feeling of making a difference.


As far as I saw it, women were treated terribly sexist. There were gamy remarks – a boys club mentality: Use a female colleague to get shit done, but if she ain't giving you the thing you expected, but didn't communicate, you can treat her like garbage. If confronted you can still plead for jokes gone wrong and miscommunication and patronize/ gaslight her later in the process. Great, boys. Really great.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Hiring older colleagues would mean you would actually need to challenge your own experiences, who would want that in this job field where all superiors think they actually are superior?


Meant to be a "state of the art" office, but truly just some white hole beneath the suburban railroad. At least "the guys" could do their pull-ups on some bars mounted to the walls. Everything seemed to be improvised, messy, dirty.


I guess they recycled, but they ordered tons of food regularly that got trashed because no one ate it.


Salary was ok, not the best, but I could have been happy with it.


They pretended to be so cool, so hip, so pop cultural relevant, but it's actually just fake.


Hahahaha. What?
