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Do not join, save your lifetime

Nicht empfohlen
Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

When funding was available, the atmosphere was good & supportive and there was not too much micro-management. The tasks are very interesting, but with lack of know-how and time not achievable - in particular because priorities are switched frequently.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

TLDR: no product, lack of technical understanding and how much effort achieving a goal requires, management lacks communication and leadership skills, no appreciation, no reflection, no learning from past mistakes.
Most knowledgeable colleagues have left the company. The company lacks good leadership, good treatment of employees and communication is really, really bad. They lack concrete vision and the required technical understanding of what they want to achieve, switch direction every ~6 months, refuse to listen to their engineers and scientists - both regarding short-term projects and long-term directions, and appreciation is non-existent. There's no product and there never was one, because they never had the patience to become superior in one field. Hence, no stable income and they live from research funds + some investments and wasted money due to tons of mistakes - large and small, but still they refuse to learn as there's zero self-reflection and retrospectives across decision makers. They would are good at selling dreams, the informal motto among employees is: over promise and under achieve. If you want to waste your lifetime in a hamster wheel rushing down the abyss - be ready to hit the ground and not being paid in the end. So, do yourself a favor and look for alternatives - it's not difficult to find a better one, basically any company should do.


Develop a stable product and do not switch direction every now and then. Listen to you employees and pay them properly!


rapid change of priorities, ruins past efforts


there is no communication, no vision


colleagues are nice


no leadership, no support, no appreciation

Interessante Aufgaben

very exciting, but the management ruins everything


all women left the company - guess why ...


there's no office and compute servers were sold without warning


what consciousness?!?


could be much better


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


