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Just don't

Nicht empfohlen
Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei University of Applied Sciences Europe Gmbh Berlin/Hamburg/Iserlohn gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

They give you one year term contracts. Everyone hates them and it's absolutely not usual in Germany. If you *need* a job and UE/GUS is the only one, then take it, do your one year and then just don't accept the next one. Because then you still get unemployment benefits because they didn't fire you, it was a term contract all along. The Management thinks they are smart with their term contracts as they are from the UK not used to having Works Councils/Betriebsräte, but they for sure don't have a clue on German laws and customs.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

HR and specifically the HR Director. But if you complain about something taking 2-3 months (new contract, payslips, confirmations, basically anything), the HR Director always just comes in person to Top Management and uses his verbal skills into thinking that everything was done correct by HR and the person actually did something wrong. And because Top Management usually can't read German and doesn't know German labour customs they just believe him. I actually feel sorry especially for the COO as she really tries.


- Listen to your low level employees.
- You claim to have an open door-policy. Sorry but no, you don't.
- Your CEO and HR Director are anti-LGBTQ. Even if you openly say 'you don't have anything against homosexuals.', your behaviour, the things you say and the words you use clearly out you as anti-LGBTQ. *You* should do a training on diversity btw also on Management, not your Middle Management.
- The COO is nice but she is bestie with a specific Campus Director and everyone knows that. There have been multiple complaints against that specific Campus Director but she doesn't do anything as the woman is one of her close friends. The COO just listens to her bestie but doesn't even talk to the victims. And HR and the Chancellor are complicit because they know that this specific Campus Director has a problem but they know that the COO favours her, so they are too afraid to tell the COO of her favorism. You want to be objective or at least see all the sides? Stop having bestie-calls with that Campus Director and really investigate in the situation!
- As mentioned the COO is nice, but she gets lied to from so many Middle Managers. It's unbelievable. The Middle Managers lie to keep their asses covered and then even get promoted.


If you could be at 2 places the same time, none would be there.


Happy if someone tells you anything. The CEO or his assistants leave out vital departments as they don't think of the whole process something will impact.


The team colleagues are the only good thing here.




Really depends on who your supervisor is. You can get good ones or bad ones. But the CEO is using top-down for everything, doesn't listen to everyone middle management and below.

Interessante Aufgaben

Depends on what you get.


Diversity at low level employees is massive and we are good with it. But Middle and Top Management it's not existent. LGBTQ exists but most are too afraid to out themselves as the CEO and the HR Director often say bad things about it.


You love the German labour laws? Well, it doesn't really happen here because nearly the whole Top Management cannot speak German and just goes from the founder's main country UK.


Oh, Top Management thinks the image is good.


Nothing done there.


