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Xentral ERP Software GmbH Logo


A start-up with potential, great people & open minds

Hat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung bei Xentral ERP Software GmbH in Augsburg gearbeitet.


Xentral does a lot to create a great work atmosphere even tho (mostly) everything happens remote. They equip every employee with a budget for home office equipment. Feedback and praisals are part of the company DNA.


Communication wise there's happening a lot: bi-weekly company all hands meetings where different departments present topics or evaluate their OKRs. I guess it really depends on the department and teams how the communication continues. I'm lucky to have a very transparent direct lead but I also know that some colleagues struggle with the communication.


It's a people game! The Xentraleers are super helpful and great people to work with.


Thanks to the remote work culture and the open minded people, it's easy to organize private and work life. As everywhere, communication is key. With that being said, there's always the danger of work-life-blending when you're used to working from you. My direct lead always engaged me to take my time off, not to reply at out of office times, etc. but that's also something everyone needs to learn for themself.


My direct lead is super open, gives constructive feedback on a very high level and encourages her team to question the status quo and deliver high quality work such as she does as well. I couldn't be happier!
There's btw also a leadership training program offered by the company.

Interessante Aufgaben

There are things that need to be done and things that one is passionate about. Overall, as the company is still developing and taking on speed again, there are many interesting topics that require first time action with building processes around it which makes it super interesting but also stressful from time to time.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

One needs to admit: the company is very young if you look at the age of the employees. Still, there are coming more and more experienced "elder" colleagues in which I personally appreciate very much. The company is open to older employees as well and I haven't noticed anything negative about including them into the company.


Everyone gets the newest technical equipment (from Apple), gets a budget for home office equipment, regular off/ onsites to meet with colleagues and a very nice remote work abroad policy (to work quite an amount of days/ year abroad).
The equipment in the office hubs could be better but as most employees work from home it's understandable that there's not too much budget for the offices.


In general, I would say yes but there could be more done, such as social work days as a company project, etc.


Xentral is still a start-up - the salary is okay but could be better. Except for a baV and a JobRad, there are no tax optimizations or monetary benefits.


I think the image of the company suffered a bit after a difficult economic/ market situation where some employees were also let go. Still, it's a great company where people are happy to be working at!


As everywhere: there's so much more that could be done. Xentral listened to the demands for more people development measures and implemented a learning tool. There's a leadership training, training for hiring managers and a freshly implemented mentoring tool.
Every role is also sorted into a competency model with career options and feedback cycles.




Sophia, Talent Partner
SophiaTalent Partner

Hey there,

thanks a lot for your review and for taking the time to give us such detailed feedback. We really appreciate it!
It is great to read about your view on Xentral and that you are happy to be a Xentraleer.
We are constantly working on the derived actions from our pulse survey and the answers from all Xentraleers. So we are excited to see that all the Mentoring sessions are now being kicked-off!

We are happy to have you!

