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Only a (Dyna)trace of it's past left

Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich IT bei Dynatrace Austria GmbH in Linz gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

With it's undeniable global market presence, the topics and challenges that are worked on inside the R&D department outshine all of the other mundane and often repetative technological challenges that other companies in the austrian IT sector have to offer.

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The drastic change in the corporate culture and the rise of office politics are erroding what was once a proud software engineering company.


Communication: Stop "selling" things to the employees via e-mails full of marketing buzzwords. Transport decisions verbally and in-person via empathic and well-regarded local leaders, that will go above and beyond to explain why things are decided the way they are and most importantly addressing concerns from the get-go.

Career: (Further) separate the organizational and technical leadership in the form of e.g. Staff Engineers that can properly judge and value engineering performances in order to stop good engineering talent to become (more) disheartened.

I think it is not to late to turn around the ship, however, it needs an earnest shift in leadership culture to stop from a brain-drain in the near future.


It becomes more and more apparent that most of the decision-making is now done by the leadership team in the US, which in my personal opinion, simply cannot transport any decision no matter what gravitas with any emotionally intelligent nuance. Instead, employees are simply steamrolled by new polices with buzzword-laden corporate newspeak.

On the upside, it does feel at times that the remaining leadership in Austria, which I think is often outnumbered, is fighting the good fight and trying to counteract the corporatization of what was once a pragmatic and lean company.


Open, bright, and overall lovely offices across all continents.


It feels as if all of the enviromental efforts are done to reach ESG goals in order to appease the market and shareholders - a classical case of "greenwashing" so to say.


The image, in my opinion, is as of late taking a hit both internally and externally as the communication issues mentioned above are clouding the opinion of many longtime Dynatracers.


With the massive growth and corporatization over the past years it feels as if engineering performance has become more or less a non-factor in career growth. Playing the game of office politics has become more and more commonplace amongst peers and seems to be a more viable strategy for career advancement.





Interessante Aufgaben


Umgang mit älteren Kollegen


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Employer Branding & Communications Teamemployerbranding.austria@dynatrace.com

Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. We’re glad to hear your positive remarks about our global market presence and the exciting challenges tackled within our R&D department. However, we’re equally concerned about the challenges you've outlined regarding corporate culture and the rise of office politics. We strive to promote a positive employee experience, as we’ve implemented various new in-person and remote culture initiatives in our efforts to do so. Communication is also an area we’re continuously improving as we aim for open and transparent communication across the organization, balancing appropriate timing and audience. Company-wide news emails, town hall Q&As, and All Team meetings are some ways we provide transparency within our team. Our commitment to our environmental, social, and governance goals help us aim for a more sustainable future through transparency and accountability. If you’re interested in learning more about our ESG initiatives, check out our Global Impact Report: https://assets.dynatrace.com/en/docs/ebook/bae5380-ebk-global-impact-report-2023.pdf

Please reach out to your direct lead to discuss professional development opportunities as we offer a strong feedback culture along with a career development model to develop your competencies and progress in your career. Together, we’ll set goals for you to accomplish by providing self-assessments, external 360° feedback evaluations, feedback discussions, and more. Your insights are invaluable, and we’ve shared them with our People & Culture leadership.

All the best,
Laura from the People & Culture team
