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US Leadership is tanking the company

Nicht empfohlen
Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung im Bereich Forschung / Entwicklung bei Dynatrace Austria in Linz gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The topics and the product we work on and my team is great

Schlecht am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The company is not about creating great products anymore. It is about ESG goals and ESG goals only. We claim that we want everyone to be valued and we want to win with integrity, but a lot of people do not feel valued anymore and the response is: suck it up. Internal ratings are also an all time low and the response is: "it is due to stress", which is not the case.


Replace the People and Culture team in the U.S and get the company on track again.


It is not about making great software anymore. ESG goals are the number 1 priority


Communication by the Leadership team is often dishonest or just marketing phrases. Austrian based communication is mostly much more honest, but you can see the US influence regularly


In your own team it is great, on capability level good, outside of that only between the employees who have been here for a longer time.


Quite a bit of stress, but also no problem to go on vacation or take a day off. Recent changes in the work model made it mandatory to return to the office at least 2 days a week, which was a big change (which was also communicated very dishonest again)


Rapidly changing. It is all about controlled communication, specific phrases to not offend anyone and trying to avoid direct answers at all costs.

Interessante Aufgaben

From a technical perspective, very interesting work. No complaints on that end.


Instead of valuing everyone equally (which is supposedly one of our top goals), people are separated into all kinds of groups, which are all celebrated with tons of flyers and advertisement to the point that I am moving this communication to the spam folder automatically. If you are a man (and white), don't expect anything from this company.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

Older colleagues are valued as they have a lot of knowledge. Nobody was discriminating against them, but nowadays it is an offence to discriminate against people who are 40+ (not against younger people though), so a lot of tip toeing is going on.


Pretty good in Linz, since we have nice offices and a lot of amenities. Vienna Lab with the open space concept is horrible though.


Company itself has initiatives, employees could be more attentive. Wasting energy by keeping electronics running all day is not really necessary.


Quite good


External Image: Very good from what I hear. Internal Image: Plummeting.


Getting approval to go to a conference is as hard as finding a unicorn. Planning needs to be done for the full next year. Somehow traveling is on a tight budget when it comes to some things, but then again you can see people regularly travel.

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Employer Branding & Communications Teamemployerbranding.austria@dynatrace.com

Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts. Our commitment to our product is equally as important as our commitment to our people. Fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment is essential, and we’re committed to addressing these challenges. Our leadership team is consistently working on improving communication as we strive for continuous, open and transparent communication across the organization. We recognize that a strong work-life balance is key to your success, and we’re glad to hear that you’re enjoying our paid time off programs.

Every team member is equally important and we’re proud to have team members from diverse backgrounds, identities, and perspectives, as we foster an inclusive culture where individuality is valued, and integrity is deeply embedded in everything we do. Professional development is key to your career journey, and we encourage you to reach out to your direct lead to learn more about our growth opportunities. We’ve shared your feedback with our People & Culture leadership.

We appreciate your feedback,
Laura from the People & Culture team
