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A Fantastic Experience at EBCONT!

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat bis 2019 im Bereich IT bei EBCONT in Wien gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

I really value the supportive culture and the dedication to professional growth and work-life balance. The positive atmosphere, modern management, and strong team spirit made it a fantastic place to advance my career. I especially miss my knowledgeable colleagues and the collaborative environment we shared. It’s a place where you can truly grow and thrive, I learned so many things from being lucky enough to have been in that team; passionate and caring professionals.


The working atmosphere is both professional and friendly. Everyone is committed to delivering their best while maintaining a supportive and fun environment. I miss the vibrant discussions and collaborative spirit that made every day exciting even though it was online for most of the time.


Communication was open and transparent. Management keeps everyone informed about the company's goals and progress. Regular team meetings and feedback sessions (not to mention retros) ensure that all voices are heard and valued. The approach to communication fostered a sense of inclusion and clarity.


I deeply miss my expert colleagues whose knowledge and expertise were invaluable. Thank you for that!!


Flexible working hours and remote work options are available, it's possible that this might depend on the specific client of course, but by in large home office is the norm.


Supervisors (lead devs/or anyone in the team and management ) are approachable, supportive, and fair. They provide clear guidance and constructive feedback, fostering an environment where employees can grow professionally and personally. The management style encourages continuous improvement and personal development. How I notice these things after I left them.

Interessante Aufgaben

The projects are diverse and innovative, as there is a list of high profile clients with multiple projects, providing ample opportunities for learning and professional growth. I miss the excitement of tackling new and complex problems alongside my knowledgeable colleagues, then getting feedback and improving even further.


The company promotes an inclusive workplace where everyone is treated with respect and given equal opportunities to succeed. Even though I often mention it, the modern approach of the management truly stands out. It ensures that diversity isn’t just accepted, but celebrated and actively encouraged. Honestly, it’s exceptional how they handle this.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

The blend of experienced and new perspectives created a rich learning environment. From what I have seen, and my experience within my team, the cohesion was growth promoting.


The office is well-equipped, and beautiful. As soon as you enter the building, then the elevators, and eventually the office, you feel motivated. I realize to many this might sound strange to talk about elevators, but it left an impression on me. Moreover, I can not overstate how richly I was furnished with equipment (any thing I needed and more). I would like to thank EBCONT for that!!!!


I really appreciate how the company acknowledges hard work and dedication, it made me feel genuinely valued. Their commitment to recognizing individual efforts is truly exceptional and made a world of difference.


I was always so proud to tell people where I was working and what I do!!!


I miss the wealth of knowledge and expertise shared by my colleagues. Moreover, I was always encouraged to take up more lessons and tutorials if I needed it at the company's expense. Am saying it again and over, but after seeing other companies, it truly was remarkable.




Mag. Ilse Merkinger-BoiraHead of Corporate Communications

Hi and so many thanks for this wonderful feedback. And it's great to read about your positive perception of EBCONT in so many ways. And I totally understand: the elevators in Vienna Millennium Tower ARE great!! I have been working with our company for 6 years now, and I catch myself still taking selfies in the elevator :-).
All the best and I hope you know, that you are always welcome in our family!!
