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Exciting high-tech job with good team

Ex-Angestellte/r oder Arbeiter/inHat zum Zeitpunkt der Bewertung nicht mehr bei IMS Nanofabrication GmbH in Wien gearbeitet.

Gut am Arbeitgeber finde ich

The job is extremely interesting and exciting, there is no routine.


Inspect the working conditions of the single employees and address the needs of the regular employees.


The hierarchy in the company is low everyone is very helpful.
Many group- or team- leaders are very amicable and fair. However, as they are typically concerned with urgent tasks they will not take the time to walk up to your desk to chat about open tasks or praise your work.


Communication is very different depending on the position and group.


New employees said that from the very start they were given the feeling of being part of the team.


As IMS tools are being used in production the customers request faster response times, 24/7 support and best results. Fulfilling the customers wishes is crucial in the semiconductor industry, time is a lot of money here. This also increased the pressure on the IMS employees. There is no room for mistakes, everyone has to react fast. For new employees it is often tiresome to always feel the pressure of open task that are overdue. Fortunately the teams are strong, and after a while you adjust to the pace and will no longer feel the anxiety from open tasks.
For new employees that means an exciting surrounding, an opportunity to prove themselves. For those who join operation it also means to travel the world and experience different work and life cultures.


Most people in leading positions are engineers, which makes it easier to talk to them ;P and IMS has reacted to complaints and starts to put the people who are in leading positions in leadership and communication trainings.

Interessante Aufgaben

The company grows strongly as it changes from an development focus to production. Consequently, more employees are hired, groups are assigned to narrow tasks and RnD and production are split.
As a result the spirit has changed quite a bit. In the past employees identified with the MBMW and were proud about every new development, this is now changing to employees being focused on doing their job - they may do an excellent job as IMS has a collection of experts, but newer employees often luck the passion that the older ones had.

For a new employee this means: expect a super interesting high-tech job, but also be aware that you will work on a narrow topic with often limited communication to other groups and maybe limited feedback if what you did is actually put to use or if it is working. (Not saying that it is better elsewhere ;) )


There are approximately 10% women in IMS. To be fair, there are less female applicants than male ones and within the teams women are treated as equals. But, there is only one in a teamlead on the lower end of the organigram. There is room for improvement.

Umgang mit älteren Kollegen

There are hardly any older colleagues, but overall there is no difference between older and younger colleagues.


The office in Vienna is old, the office is crowded as the company did grow very fast the last years. In Brunn am Gebirge the building is new, however space is also quite limited there. Office rooms with 5+ people are normal.


I guess IMS is a regular Austrian company here. No special initiative to save the environment or do something sozial, but also nothing that would go against these goals.


For RnD positions the salary is in the normal range, for Operation positions the salary itself is low, however there is a range of add-ons, so that overall the salary is in a normal to good range.


As high-tech, high-end company and as subsidiary of Intel everyone is impressed by IMS.
Ex-colleagues however are often rather disappointed, many left the job due to being over-worked, no option to adjust the job to their life, no opportunity to develop, no or little praise for their work, the impression that they never can finish their tasks as the work load is too big, the feeling that the upper management does not care about the single employees... IMS is undergoing a tremendous change currently, it remains to be seen how the company develops.


For current employees there is no development plan, IMS only now starts to come up with some suggestions.
External training / continuing education is not typical.



Beste Grüßevom HR Team

Thank you for providing us with such constructive feedback. We were glad to read about your positive impressions regarding the working atmosphere, behavior of superiors, interesting job tasks as well as the team spirit at IMS Nanofabrication GmbH. We appreciate that you noticed that we are working on various topics such as leadership programs, new working facilities, etc. We will continue striving to improve these and other issues. We are aware of the fact that there is room for improvement e.g. regarding the low percentage of women at our company. Therefore, we want to emphasize that applications of women especially for all technical positions are highly welcome!
